Serving Whitman County since 1877

Author Mader Wilson will give talk at library Nov. 4

Beverly Mader Wilson of Plaza will talk about her book, "Mara," to the Colfax Branch of Whitman County Library Friday, Nov. 3, at noon. Wilson is the granddaughter of two pioneer families of the Palouse area. By means of this book, she hopes to increase appreciation for our area's history not only among those who love the Palouse, but also in those who are new to it.

She will give a commentary on some little-known historical landmarks around the town of Colfax and of early farm life in the neighboring countryside. Wilson was raised on a farm in the Clear Creek area and wrote parts of the book while sitting in a truck during the harvest season.

She will be available for book signing at the end of the session. Copies of the book will be available.

People have asked the author if Mara's fictional family is the history of her own family, that of Fred and Lucille Mader. She responds with a decided, "No!" She said that in her youth, she spent most of her free hours either on the piano bench or riding the school bus for two hours each day, each way. During those hours, reading library books was a passion. Nevertheless, parts of the book are actually true.


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