Serving Whitman County since 1877

Letters to Santa: Dec. 14, 2017

Dear Santa,

What do you eat? Me and my

family would like a motorhome. I

want legos and troumpoline.

From, Kidan.

Dear Santa,

Where is the north Pole? Dirt bike nerfe ung candy cane please!

From, Jackson

Dear Santa,

How many Raeindeers do you have?

I want a puzzle, new clothes, new

new phone, reindeer Ears, and a

new necklas for christmas.

From, Kailee

Dear Santa,

How Do Reindeer Fly? Can you

get me a gumball machine, and a

hard nerf gun please.

From, Perrin

Dear Santa,

How much snow do you have? Can I please have a hatchimal that is turquoise, purple, pink for christmas.

From, Claine

Dear Santa,

How many reindeer do you have? I like a remote control car pleas Heather (mom) likes earingz please?

From, Mason

Dear Santa,

How many reinder are there?

A drone please!

From, Malachi

Dear Santa,

I want a phone please. How

many elfs do you have?

From, Banneh

Dear Santa,

How much snow do you have. Plase four 12 inch Long 6 inch wated

Goosge neck 6 inch tall chairer. Goosge Neck Hay Hayer.

From, Brody

Dear Santa,

How many Elves do you have? I

want a spider-man 3 movie please!

From, Ike

Dear Santa,

How many raindeer do you have?

For Christmas I Want a

coloring book. Please

From, Amard

Dear Santa,

How many elve's do you have? I want a Drone and a remote control car. Please try and get these things.

From, Asher

Dear Santa,

Please Do you use a map? I want

a gumball despenser.

From, Oancbl

Dear Santa,

What's your favorite present? How

do you make presents? Could I please have A Big Hot Wheels track.

From, George

Dear Santa,

I want to play outside at Christmas and Abby wants a lollipop.

From, Bun

Dear Santa,

How many presents do you make?

I want a toy colt please. I want

a toy dog please. I want a

gumball machine, please.

I want barbies please.

From, Abby

Dear Santa,

How do reindeer fly? I like a horse please. Hank Will gumball machine please! Mom wants a new dress please.

From, Jane

Dear Santa,

Haw are you doing? My name is Adrian. Pleas don't give me coal for Christmas. Haw is Rudolph with his awesome red nose? Do your reindeer like celery? If they don't like it i'm sary, becaus I left them celery last year. Haw is Mrs. Clous? Has she been baking you cookies? Naw I'm going to tell you what I want for Christmas. I want a nerf scope and a nerf mega siper with an attach rail on it.

Your Frend, Adrian

Dear Santa,

How do your reindeer fly? For Christmas I want a pinball michine and a Amazon kindle fire. Heres a joke: Knock Knock who's there Benjamin Benjamin who I’ve Benjamin to the music all day.

Your Friend, Dexter

Dear Santa,

What I want for Christmas is a karoke machine and a phone. How are the reindeer doing? Am in 3rd grade I go to Colfax school. My favirite subject in school is Math, Reading , Playing and writing. My house is white. There is a Micky Mouse blow up thing outside and little decorations inside the house.

Love, Your Firend Maya

Dear Sanita,

I'm Atylee. For Christmas I would like a remote control dog. In my house you will see a pretty tree in the livingroom by my stoking. My favorite thing is friends and family. Last Christmas I got a sled and I liked it! Thank you. P.s. See you on the 25th of Decmber.

Your Friend, Atylee

Dear Santa,

My name is Steven and my mom's name is Angela. My dad’s name is James. My dad wants a new PS3 with controllers. My mom wants a new car. I want blade blades and an xbox one X with

contollers and games. ow old are you and Mrs. santa? How old is Rudolph

the Red Nosed Reindeer?

Your Fiend, Steven

Dear Santa,

I'm Macy and I watch Santa movies about you. I'm a really a big fan of your work. For Christmus I want a real live bunny and a new pair of snow boots. The most proud thing that I love about Christmus is that I get to spend time with my family and friends. I have a nice school and a nice teacher and my best friend is Sunisa. For Christmus I'm geting her a friendship bracelet. Merry Christmus Santa, P.S. I've been good!

Your Friend, Macy

Dear Santa,

Hi Santa. What are you doind? I am Anika. I am 8 years old How old are you? This year I am going to have my Christmas light up on Friday. I am going to the light show too. What are you doing on Friday? Oh Santa, my dog got my elf and put it his bed and Lila got a blanket and put it on the counter! I hope you have a grate Christmas.

Your Friend, Anika

Dear Santa,

I want a warterbottel. Do you have snow in the summer? I want a lot of art. Do you eat the carrots and the reinder eat the cookies? Do you have wheels on your sleigh so the reinder can have a party on the back of the sleigh? You could ride a car instead of a sleigh so you could disguised then no one would know youre Santa.

Your Friend, Morgan

Dear Santa,

All I want for Christmas is my tow front teeth! Ha, ha, ha got ya! I am Stella and I am 8 years old. I want an Ipod for Christmas. When will Davey come next year? How old are you? How's the rein deer? When do you get home on Christmas Eve? How much do you weigh? Tell Davey to pack me an elf on the shelf lunch. Tell Mrs. Claus I said hi. Write the answers in

a letter that Davey brings.

Love, Stella

Dear Santa,

I would like a 5,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, VCR head set, Dan TDM disc, fashin police skin pack in mine craft, a Doctor's kit, a toy gun, an army helmit, an army helmit for Heady, an Xbox 360 and a play stein 4 and xbox 1. I want my teeth too please.

Your friend, Spud

Dear Santa,

For Christmas I want my two front teeth! Just kidding! For Christmas I want a lot and a lot alot and more and more American girl doll stuff more and more. My doll's name is (Lilian Emmi). If you'ed please get it for me you would be the best guy in the world. I would also like some art lots of art. And alot of stuffed animals mostly sloths. Just one question, what is you favorite kind of dessert besides cookies and milk?

Your Friend, Winona

Dear Santa,

All I want for Christmas are my two front teeth! How are you and your reindeer? I hope you have a great time delivering presents to kids. What I want for Christmas is a horse model and a new set of multiplication and divison flash cards, I hope you have time to read this. What is your favoirte kind of cookie for Christmas Eve. Have a happy jolly Christmas!

Your friend, Sunisa

Dear Santa Claus,

I was wondering if you could tell me how many cookies you want and how many cups of milk you want? I also was wondering how my dad isn't you already cause he has a beard that would be long enough! Oh, 1 more thing I wanted to know some of the elf's and the reindeer's names!

Love, Hannah Love you Santa!

Dear Santa,

How old are you? How old is Mrs. Claus? How old is the elfs? Can I have a phone with a charge, an Xbox One Subnatica Disc, a $200 visa gift card, 100 poke mon cards, and here is a joke. Knock-knock, who's there hoo-hoo-hoo..... are you an owl?

Have a good Christmas.

From: Zachary

Dear Santa,

How are you? My name is Tommy Jo. I am in 3rd grade. My birthday is on Nov 30th 2008. My favorite

animal is a horse! Now I will tell you what I want for Christmas. I want a Breyer Horse barn, an American doll bathroom, a sketch pad, and a wristwatch, also a few pony snaffle bits. Have a great Christmas!

Your Friend, Tommy Jo

Dear Santa,

It’s Aiyana. I don't know what I want Christmas yet. I realy want to be a good girl. Well Merry Christmas Santa Claus. I realy wish you a Merry Christmas say hi to Rudulf for me.

Love, Aiyana

Dear Santa,

I have been pretty good this year. I would like a BB gun, a go kart that comes with a license, RC ATV, a game master, a toy train, a Lego set, a new Wii game, a drone, a comic book, an iPad and a pet. P.S. This is really a serious note. Thanks for reading my letter to you. How many cookies do you want to eat?

Love, Bryce

Dear Santa,

I am Sam and I love watching you on movies. I want a Ninjago, hockey legos, a haver board, old west lego set, boxing people, and football people, I'd also like scouts that look like the old west. I love your elves. How are you doing.

Love, Sam

Dear Santa,

I would like to have my friend home

for Chrismas. He is from Germany. The last time he visited was a long time ago. He sent advent calenders. How is Mrs. Claus doing?

Your Friend, Daniel


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