Serving Whitman County since 1877
Malden Lodge 188 and Rosalia Lodge 84 F&AM conducted a joint installation of 2017 - 2018 officers Dec. 9. Afterward, soup, sandwiches and pie were served. Pictured are: Front row, from the left, Gary Hommel, Senior Warden, Malden; Brent Oty, District Deputy; Dale Flanigen, Worshipful Master, Malden; Bill Musgrove, Worshipful Master, Rosalia; Tom Simpson, Secretary, Malden; Glen Edgeman, Secretary-Treasurer, Rosalia, and Myron Powers, Senior Steward, Rosalia. Back row, from the left, Gary Newton, Malden; Justin Hughes, Malden; Dick Hines, Junior Warden, Malden; Bill Willey, Organist, Malden and Rosalia; Louis Laws, Tiler, Malden, and Glen La Moureaux, Senior Deacon, Rosalia.
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