Serving Whitman County since 1877
A need
As graduates and residents of the Colfax School District, we would like to encourage voters to support the Colfax School District ballot measures on the Feb. 13 ballot. There is a need to maintain and improve the structures for the future to benefit our students and our community.
The measures will not only provide for new roofing, but also HVAC improvements and security upgrades. We will not only be protecting our investment in our schools, but also further ensuring the safety and security of our students.
Dan and Lorraine Fulfs, Colfax
Letter to
the Editor
“Back in the day” our family would come into Colfax for groceries, appointments, etc. Before we all scattered in different directions, the standard question was “Where should we meet when we’re done?” Usually the response was “At the library!” It was our hub – where we listened to story-time, checked out books, ran into friends and neighbors – and waited for Dad.
Now, when I open the Gazette each week and see the growing “Library Calendar” column or read “The Library Link” eNewsletter, I am reminded how our Whitman County Library has become so much more than a place to sit and wait for Dad to drive up.
Our library has become a valued “Center” of enrichment for Colfax and the outlying communities.
Library Director Kristie Kirkpatrick, her dedicated staff, and a willing Board of Trustees have created a base of resources for the benefit of all ages - both on-site and via the internet.
The main library branch in Colfax has become an anchor for educational, technological, business-focused, social and health-related activities that spill out to the branches.
Last week I drove by and saw the “Blood Mobile” parked out front, and I’m not sure a day goes by that the sidewalk reader board isn’t announcing at least, if not more, an event of the day.
In addition to the wide range of offerings, I am impressed with the way the library is run. The expansion and improvements have been gradual and well-thought-out. Those running the library haven’t bitten off more than they can chew (or afford); haven’t made promises they haven’t kept; nor failed to perform normal facility maintenance. They have done what they said they were going to do gradually and responsibly.Our libraries aren’t glitzy. They are solid and well-run. I support the restoration of the library levy to sustain basic services, because I feel we have gotten more than basic services in return.
Shan Kelly,
I was born in Colfax while my father was in England preparing for the invasion of Europe.
After the war we lived in Olympia for a few years before we moved back to Colfax in 1951.
I began attending the Hamilton grade school in 2nd grade in the fall of 1951.
The school began its existence as Colfax High School in 1891 and was thus until 1910, when it became a grade school, because a new high school in the middle of town on Mill Street, behind the Courthouse, was dedicated and opened.
The construction of Jennings Elementary was completed and dedicated in September of 1953, and it was here I began 4th grade.
Hamilton School was then torn down in 1953, at the age of 62 years, and the site turned into a city park.
In the spring of 1959, as a sophomore in Colfax's second high school, I helped my school mates and others move to the current CHS on Morton Street.
The old one on Mill Street was a high school for 49 years.
Our town's school building history has shown that the life of a school building is 49 to 62 years.
Jennings Elementary is 66 years old, and the current Colfax High School is 59 years old.
Make no mistake, these are sound buildings.
Over the years since their construction, the community has voted for bonds that paid for repairs on a regular basis.
Because of that, they have many more years of life in them.
However, their roofs and much of their internal spaces are in need of more thorough repairs and updates, including asbestos abatement.
When the facilities committee began meeting over one year ago, we talked about what areas needed to be addressed, and even whether building new schools should be considered.
Colfax School District is not eligible for matching grants from the state at this time, and because of the price tag of building new buildings (in excess of $25 million with less physical space) we prioritized what needed to be done to the current buildings to continue to provide our students with the kind of learning environment that has allowed Colfax schools to become Schools of Distinction multiple times.
On Feb. 13 you are being asked to support the $18.9 million, 20 year bond that is the result of 12 months of discussion and analysis by the committee.
We do not need to tear down the existing buildings, but they are in need of a lot of work so that they can last another 20 years.
The current Bond will be paid off next year.
This Bond would replace the current Bond at $2.63 per thousand of valuation.
In addition, you are being asked to approve the replacement educational programs and operations levy.
The rate for the levy is limited by the legislature to $1.50 per thousand of valuation, a decrease of $1.47 per thousand from the current levy.
The total estimate of the bond and levy would be $4.13, 0.25 less than you are currently paying.
A good friend shared recently that when he was looking for a place to raise his family many years ago, he chose Colfax for its schools, even though there were other communities with better business opportunities. Colfax has a reputation as being a place where our children can receive a great education. Please join me in voting yes for the bond and levy Feb. 13, so our schools can continue with their excellence.
Bob Lothspeich,
Franklin Had
it Right
Little did Mr. Franklin realize that the library of today would be what it has become. We, in Whitman County, have been served very well in all forms of communication. Not only do we have a beautiful central library, but we also have seven very well-functioning and well-staffed branches that serve all of us. On a personal note, we would like to thank you librarians for your courtesy and service in recommending what works for the Little Libraries throughout our communities. This has truly been an enhancement to reach out to all readers young and old.
I urge all of our fellow citizens to pass this levy and keep our libraries the very best.
Jack McBride, Colfax
On Feb. 13, 2018, the Colfax School District will be asking our voters to approve a bond issue to update our present school facilities.This bond, if approved, will be a replacement bond, as the present bond will be retired.
The proposed bond will be used to complete the following areas:
Jennings Elementary: HVAC upgrade, replace the roof, upgrade the 1953 gym, upgrade security issues, establish updated student pick-up and drop-off areas.
Colfax Junior/Senior High School: Update all classrooms, update auditorium, replace the roof, update HVAC, establish security updates, establish student pick-up/drop-off areas.
Barbara, my wife, and I have been residents of Colfax for the past thirteen years. We have had three grandchildren graduate from Colfax High School and our son and daughter-in-law are both educators in our school district. We have observed the quality educational and activity programs our family has experienced and know with the passage of this bond, the quality of education will continue to be provided for all of our students.
Jerry Pugh, district superintendent, our school board, k-12 staff members and the steering committee have spent an unlimited amount of time evaluating our facilities and have established a bond proposal to meet those identified needs. Because of the trust I have developed with the above listed groups, I know the areas listed on the bond proposal are necessary for us to continue to provide a quality educational/activity program for our students.
We encourage every voter in the Colfax School District to join us in supporting this bond, ensuring our ability to provide a first rate program for our students, now and in the future.
Thank you for your continued support for education in the Colfax School District.
Dr. and Mrs. Ed Morgan, Colfax
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