Serving Whitman County since 1877

Letters: Feb. 8, 2018

Added benefit

Many folks have written in already with great reasons to support the County Library levy and school levies that are on the ballot in this election. I want to add my voice to theirs, and to urge your readers to consider the added benefit we all get from a healthy library and robust schools: a lower crime rate.

As the County's prosecuting attorney, I've seen the evidence that proves that money invested in schools and libraries, and programs to keep our kids pointed in the right direction, is also an effective tool in fighting crime. The tax dollars spent on education and the library's programs are returned many times over in savings on fewer jail cells down the line. Please remember: Fight crime, invest in kids.

Denis Tracy,


Misses mark

In contrast to your usual level headed and nuanced editorials, your position in "More Independents?" (Feb. 1, 2018) misses the mark.

When millions more Americans cast votes for candidate A than for candidate B and then, candidate B takes office, the American people naturally wonder where is the democracy in this equation. That is what many people like me are angry about.

Mark Olson,


Credit to Falk

I think people need to remember what Luke Falk was saying about a teammate two years behind him at WSU, a great prospect to be the next quarterback on the football team. To me, Falk shows honesty, integrity, leadership - qualities needed in a position in football and also in every-day life.

May his speaking out to people be a positive for him and not a negative for pro scouts in football.

Vern Sharp,


(Falk attended practice sessions prior to the college Senior Bowl in Alabama and spoke about the suicide death of Tyler Hilinski on media day, but he opted out of the NFL scouting game to attend Hilinski's funeral in Southern Calif.)


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