Serving Whitman County since 1877
“Traitor” Trump
One of many things I can't understand about the supporters of "Treasonous" Trump is the extreme hypocrisy of otherwise honorable, God fearing people. Multiple evangelistic and other Christian leaders have publicly given "Adulterous" Trump a "mulligan" on his many violations of the Ten Commandments -- What?? A mulligan like in a golf game!! What happened to morals?
This son-of-a-gun screwed around on his third wife with at least two other women while his wife was taking care of their newborn child! Also, it is very well known that he can't seem to tell the truth often and he lies repeatedly to fill his dictatorial mental needs. To me this looks much more like a deal made with the devil to score a few extreme, ideological political points even if it is hypocritical and may damage or destroy our democracy. If a Democratic president had been found to have done one percent of what "Immoral" Trump has done, the "honorable", "God fearing" Trump supporters would have rightfully crucified him or her long ago. How terribly hypocritical. Sad, very, very sad.
Oh yeah, I do want to give thanks to the United States farmers, many of whom I've heard support "Treasonous" Trump. The farmer will be the very first to be hurt badly by "Traitor" Trump's tariffs when China stops buying our wheat, barley, pork, corn, soybeans, etc. But it's OK. President "Trash" Trump says it's only going to significantly hurt some people for a little while and then we'll be great again. Good luck farmers!!
Ya Know, Vladimir Putin is the only adversary that "Traitor" Trump has not given a juvenile, derogatory nickname too. I Wonder why?
I pray that God will save our wonderful country and its democracy, which is being seriously threatened by this Putin-loving dictator want-to-be. Throw him in jail.
Richard Stanton,
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