Serving Whitman County since 1877

Good Old Days

125 years agoThe Commoner June 9, 1893

Johnny Hawkins, the 14-year-old Palouse boy who was sometime ago committed to the county jail for forging the name of a Mr. Hammond to a check for $22, was arraigned in the superior court Tuesday morning, and pleaded guilty to the crime charged.


Hotel Colfax may be opened to the public before many weeks have passed. Negotiations are now pending, which promise to result in satisfactory arrangements, whereby a successful and prominent and popularly-known hotel-man of eastern Washington will assume possession and give to Colfax the boon she has so long been craving.


Photographs of one of the oldest apple trees in the Palouse country was among the exhibits at the meeting of the State Horticultural Society in this city on Wednesday and Thursday of this week. The tree has become famous and with its history is linked of the now celebrated Palouse apple. It flourishes today, in heavy bloom, on the ranch of J. T. Arrasmith, about four miles east of Colfax.

100 years ago The Colfax Commoner June 7,1918

Two hundred and six men who have reached the age of 21 since last June registered in Whitman County Wednesday. There were four registration places in the county, on at Colfax, one at Pullman, one at St. John, and the fourth place at LaCrosse.


F. L. Kennard, agricultural agent of this county, announces that beginning the latter part of this week, home demonstrations in canning and food drying will be given throughout the county. Mr. Kennard announces that these demonstrations will be held in various districts of the county and he left this week to make arrangements for the holding of the food demonstrations.

75 years agoThe Colfax Gazette-Commoner June 4, 1943

Spotted fever, caused from wood tick bites, resulted in the death Tuesday afternoon of Ralph W. Moore, 66, prominent farmer of Hay. He became ill several days following his return home May 17 from a cattle ranch at Ironside Ore., in which he was interested, and was removed to the Bryant and Weisman clinic May 22. He had been bitten by six ticks.


Three courts here Tuesday dealt with four Spokane boys who were arrested Saturday for draining the nickels from a pinball machine in Berry's Place, operated by A. D. Vanos.

50 years ago The Colfax Gazette June 6, 1968

Investigation of the geologic structure of the hillside alongside the Buck Canyon grade is continuing this weekend. Reopening of the third lane may be delayed considerably until the state highway department decides how to protect the roadway from future slides.


Colfax moviegoers will be treated to a special look into the past when a local promotional film taken 31 years ago will be screened at the Rose this weekend, Dave Walker announced. The movie was taken by LaVance Weskil and includes closeups of a number of businessmen prominent in those days, accompanied by narration.

25 years agoWhitman County Gazette June 10, 1993

Citing a lack of a “substantial effort” to make repairs to the dilapidated Riverview Apartments, the Colfax city building inspectors Wednesday officially condemned the apartments as a “dangerous building” giving 11 households 48 hours to vacate the premises.

10 years ago Whitman County Gazette June 5, 2008

Ethan Olson, Colton High School junior, was commended Saturday during the Colton school commencement for taking action when a school bus went out of control after the driver underwent a medical episode.


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