Serving Whitman County since 1877

Cemetery site

Letter to the Editor

For the past year and a half, the Palouse city council has been looking for ways to increase the water pressure on the south hill, which is needed. An engineering firm looked at several locations for a water reservoir that would provide redundancy to the existing tank on the north hill while boosting pressure on the south side.

The sites being considered is located in the Greenwood Cemetery. The tower height may be 70 feet tall and be situated in the northeast corner of the newest section along Wall Street. The city has filed a motion in court to undesignate that section as cemetery.

Other engineering alternatives are possible that would eliminate the need for a tower, or the tower could be constructed on a less offensive site. If you agree that the cemetery option should be scrapped, please contact a councilperson or Palouse City Hal.

Greenwood Cemetery is a beautiful treasure that should not be unnecessarily disfigured by a steel structure seven stories high.

Colleen Boone, Palouse


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