Serving Whitman County since 1877

Supports LeBeau

I want to point out a dilemma facing residents of Whitman County during the upcoming election. We are facing a choice between three excellent candidates for the position of Judge for Whitman County District Court. Selecting the right candidate for this position is important because of the role this court plays in protecting the safety of our communities.

This is the court that handles domestic violence and criminal misdemeanors. Civil disputes are in the responsibility of this court as well. Small claims are handled through this office, as well as probation

And in this light I am very comfortable throwing my support to Dan LeBeau. Dan has demonstrated his sense of fairness and dedication through his position with Whitman County Prosecutor's Office. His work ethic is one that is clear well demonstrated. And again, I support Dan LeBeau for the position of Whitman County District Court Judge.

--Jim Trivelpiece, Palouse


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