Serving Whitman County since 1877


For now I will let go Frank Watson's suggestion to ignore the rule of law in this country as espoused in his second to last sentence: "One thing, however I would not spend money on is a team of special prosecutors to investigate something that our president may or may not have done, and even if he did, may or may not be illegal."

Maybe Cherie Patnode (Being Bullied) can help me with a problem I am having. How do I look on friends who support a man who has demonstrated a lifetime of no morals and no ethics, who seems to want to start wars with North Korea and Iran, who wants to take away health care, keep drug prices high, return to polluted air and water, and on and on, all while he and his family make additional millions and millions of dollars from the abuse of their present positions?

I think of my friends as "slimed" by association. But I certainly don't want to be thought of as a bully for showing my disapproval.

--Bob Curry, Endicott


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