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Colfax school board hears variety of topics

The Colfax School District board met Monday night and covered a variety of items, including approval of a new bus repair cooperative with Pullman, and a presentation on career and technical education by David Gibb, new Colfax Junior-Senior High School principal.

The meeting began with comments from Jerry Pugh, district superintendent, who reported on that day's trip to the Educational Service District 101 in Spokane.

It was for the district's first Washington State Leadership Academy meeting. Pugh went up with four teachers and Gibb. Colfax will go to four WSLA meetings in Spokane this year, while WSLA representatives will visit Colfax 15 or so times. This is the first year Colfax will participate in the program.

“We're looking for growth, where data is not showing growth,” said Pugh.

Colfax's WSLA coach will come down in October, at which time the district will set a specific goal to work on for the year. Pugh later said he suspects it will be in an academic area.

He then gave a quick construction update, saying a punch list of final items for phases one and two will be made if needed. Target date for contractors to finish these two phases is Sept. 30.

Pugh and ASB representative Cotton Booker relayed comments from students that they like the look of the unfinished ceilings in the hallways.

The board then approved the resignation of Amy Kraut, bus driver and para-educator. The hirings of Jordan Magrath for extra-curricular assistant and Clara Higginson, musical scenery and art were also approved, along with volunteer coaches Cary Alcantar and Zachary McBride (football), Heather York (volleyball) and Morgan Willson (cross country).

Career and technical ed

Principal Gibb then stood to give a presentation on the national Perkins Grant program.

This refers to the Carl Perkins Career and Technical Education Improvement Act of 2006, which offers supplemental funds to schools nationwide for this curriculum.

Gibbs laid out allowable expenditures and a five-year career and technical education action plan for Colfax, began by predecessor Carrie Lipe.

The 2019-20 goals include updating existing equipment and technology, developing equivalence in math, science and fine arts, incorporating funds for an unmanned vehicle operation (drones) class and updating course offerings to include current Next Generation Science Standards and English-Language Arts/math standards.

Carl D. Perkins was a congressman from Kentucky from 1949 until his death in 1984.

Bus deal

Also Monday night, the Colfax board voted to join a cooperative with the Pullman School District and Garfield/Palouse School District for use of a new Pullman bus facility for diagnostics and repair. The arrangement will allow Colfax to use the facility instead of going to the Lewiston/Clarkston area or Spokane for work that cannot be done in Colfax.

“It's a win for everybody and certainly fills a need for Pullman,” said Pugh.

Student report

Booker, a senior at the high school, followed with his ASB report, including the football team at 3-0, the volleyball team's win at the Okanogan tournament and the Homecoming pep rally to be held at the football field the week of Oct. 7-11, instead of the march downtown to the baptist church parking lot. The change was made so more people may watch powder puff football that day. The Homecoming dance is Oct. 12.

As the meeting wrapped up, Board Member Terry Huber asked Principal Gibbs about the status of any vaping problems at the junior-senior school.

Gibbs said that the administration has not caught or disciplined any student for it this year.

Booker offered a comment.

“Let me just say, I think a lot of people are kind of scared of this guy,” he said.

Author Bio

Garth Meyer, Former reporter

Author photo

Garth Meyer is a former Whitman County Gazette reporter.


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