Serving Whitman County since 1877

Building set will go up at waste transfer station next week

The county bridge work crew is expected to start next week laying foundation and a septic vault for a new office building at the county's waste transfer station off Highway 195 south of Colfax.

They will also extend a water line for what will be a 14 X 54-foot manufactured building to house space for two offices, a training room, break room, restrooms and small storage space.

The project will be put up on site by manufacturer Pacific Steel Structures. The estimated final cost is $131,471.

Construction is expected to last four weeks. The funding came from the county solid waste operations budget.

Training at the waste transfer site now takes place in Colfax, at the Public Works building or elsewhere. The two new offices will be for David Nails, solid waste and recycling director, and Craig Sines, foreman.

Nails' office is now in the old hazardous waste facility. Sines does not currently have an office.

The building will go up next to the new solid waste building.

A full-bid process was not required.


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