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Tekoa/Rosalia Timberwolves stacked an early lead Friday afternoon at Tekoa on the way to a 68-22 win over Touchet in an SE league game.
The win left the Timberwolves at 2-0 in the SE league play with Sunnyside Christian slated at Rosalia this week. The other league win for TR was over Pomeroy.
Sunnyside Christian will arrive with a 2-2 record after being crunched by Lyle/Wishram 64-14 last week. The Knights are 2-1 in league play.
The Timberwolves at Tekoa rolled up a 40-14 lead at the half in a game which saw them score 10 TDs.
Touchet had a drive going at the end of the half, but fumbled on just short of a score. They added just one TD in the second half.
Quarterback Anthony Gehring hit eight for 12 passing for a total of 200 yards and six TDs .
Kale Struble had six carries for 218 yards and two scores for the Timberwolves. He also had four catches for 82 yards.
Garrett Naught had three snags for 112 yards and three TDs. He booked a 4-138-yard day rushing.
On defense, Struble, a junior, was credited with seven solo tackles.
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