Serving Whitman County since 1877

Legal Notices: November 21, 2019


that a Solid Waste Advisory Committee meeting will be held on Tuesday, December 10, 2019 @ 3 PM in the Public Service Building Auditorium, N. 310 Main Street Colfax, WA 99111. Persons requiring ADA accommodations should advise us of that need.

Mark Storey

Director of Public Works 47/1





Sealed proposals for this project will be received by the Board of County Commissioners of Whitman County, State of Washington, at its office in the Whitman County Courthouse in Colfax, Washington, until 11:00 a.m. Pacific Standard Time, on Monday, December 16, 2019, at which time all bids will be opened and publicly read. Each proposal shall be separately sealed in an envelope addressed to the Whitman County Board of County Commissioners with the name of the bidder and the project name written plainly on the outside of the envelope. (NO FACSIMILES ACCEPTED) Detailed bid sheets and specifications may be obtained from the Whitman County Engineer at his office on the Second Floor of the Public Service Building, North 310 Main Street in Colfax, Washington upon payment in the amount of $40.00 (Non-Refundable). The detailed bid sheets and specifications are also available for download at .This contract provides for the manufacturing and stockpiling of Crushed Surfacing Top Course, 3/8” Chips, 1/4” Minus and Crushed Maintenance. Handicap access to the Whitman County Courthouse is available at the Mill Street Entrance.

DATED this 18th day of November, 2019.

Connie Ellis, Deputy Clerk of the Board 47/2

Notice of Tax Foreclosure Sale

The legally described parcels of real property as set forth in Whitman County Superior Court will be sold pursuant to Judgment and Order of Sale of the Whitman County Superior Court under Cause No. 19-2-00187-38. All sales will be made to the highest bidder. The auction will be conducted via Bid4Assets,, internet website only. The auction will begin on Friday, December 13, 2019 starting at 9:00 AM (PST). The opening bidding will close on Monday, December 16, 2019, at 12:00 PM (PST) with the auction concluded by that time or as soon thereafter as bidding is finalized on all properties. The Treasurer may withdraw any parcel from the auction at any time and for any reason.

Item 1

PARCEL # 1-1740-00-10-02-0000/1-1740-00-10-01-0000

OWNER CODE# 119900

TAXPAYER/REPUTED OWNER: Dan R. Antoni, Estate of Dan R. Antoni

OWNER OF RECORD: Dan R. Antoni (deceased), Estate of Dan R. Antoni


YEAR: 2016-2019

AMOUNT DUE: $ 1,642.86


LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lots 1 and 2, Block 10, Huffman’s Addition, Tekoa, according to the Plat thereof filed in Book A of Plats, Page 182, records of Whitman County, Washington.

Item 2

PARCEL # 1-0670-00-07-01-0002/1-0670-00-07-02-0002

OWNER CODE# 119900

TAXPAYER/REPUTED OWNER: Dan R. Antoni, Estate of Dan R. Antoni

OWNER OF RECORD: Dan R. Antoni (deceased), Estate of Dan R. Antoni


YEAR: 2016-2019

AMOUNT DUE: $ 1,598.39

PROPERTY ADDRESS: N/A Oakesdale, WA 99158

LEGAL DESCRIPTION: The North 70 feet of Lot(s) 1 and 2, Block 7, McCoy’s Addition, Oakesdale according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume B of Plats, Page(s) 28, records of Whitman County, Washington.

Item 3

PARCEL # 1-0645-00-22-13-0000/1-0645-00-22-14-0000/1-0645-00-22-15-0000

OWNER CODE# 488980

TAXPAYER/REPUTED OWNER: Lowell and Barbara Johnson Estate

OWNER OF RECORD: Lowell A. Johnson and Barbara S. Johnson


YEAR: 2015-2019

AMOUNT DUE: $ 5,109.00

PROPERTY ADDRESS: 115 W. Steptoe Ave Oakesdale, WA 99158

LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lots 13, 14 and 15, Block 22, Town of Oakesdale, according to the Plat thereof recorded in Book A of Plats, Page 133, records of Whitman County, Washington. EXCEPT those portions of said Lots conveyed to the Oregon Railway Extension Company for Railroad purposes.

Item 4

PARCEL # 1-0645-00-24-06-0000/1-0645-00-24-05-0000/1-0645-00-24-08-0000

OWNER CODE# 488980

TAXPAYER/REPUTED OWNER: Lowell & Barbara Johnson Estate

OWNER OF RECORD: Lowell A. Johnson and Barbara S. Johnson


YEAR: 2016-2019

AMOUNT DUE: $ 8,337.78

PROPERTY ADDRESS: 306 W. Pearl St. Oakesdale, WA 99158

LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot(s) 5 through 8, Block 24, Town of Oakesdale according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume A of Plats, Page(s) 133, records of Whitman County, Washington. Except the North 20 feet thereof. Except that portion, if any, lying within the right of way of the Oregon-Washington Railroad and Navigation Company.

Item 5

PARCEL # 1-0850-00-23-06-0000/1-0850-00-23-16-0002

OWNER CODE# 569441

TAXPAYER/REPUTED OWNER: Lloyd O. Luedecke and Doris L. Luedecke Living Trust

OWNER OF RECORD: Lloyd O. Luedecke and Doris L. Luedecke Living Trust


YEAR: 2016-2019

AMOUNT DUE: $ 20,341.46

PROPERTY ADDRESS: 312 NW True St Pullman, WA 99163

LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot(s) 5 and 6, block 23, College Hill Addition to Pullman according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume C of Plats, Page(s) 10, records of Whitman County, Washington. Together with the South Half of Farriss Avenue adjoing said land by operation of law. Together with the East 12 feet of Lot(s) 16, Block 23, College Hill Addition to Pullman according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume C of Plats, Page(s) 10, records of Whitman County, Washington. Together with the East 12 feet of the vacated alley adjoing said Lot 16, by the operation of law.

Item 6

PARCEL # 1-0295-00-04-07-0000

OWNER CODE# 818560


OWNER OF RECORD: Phillip Simon, (deceased)


YEAR: 2016-2019

AMOUNT DUE: $ 3,852.05

PROPERTY ADDRESS: 205 1 st St Endicott, WA 99125

LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot(s) 7, Block 4, H.D. Smith’s 2 nd Addition to Endicott, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume E of Plats, Page(s) 39, records of Whitman County, Washington. In witness whereof, I have hereunto affixed my hand and seal this 15th day of November, 2019.

Chris Nelson

Treasurer of Whitman County

State of Washington 47/2


The City of Tekoa will hold the final public hearing for the 2020 budget during the regular council meeting on Monday, December 2, 2019, after 7:00 p.m. at the Council Chambers in City Hall. All citizens are encouraged to attend.

Kynda Browning,

Clerk/Treasurer 47/2


The City of Tekoa will hold a public hearing to amend the 2019 budget during the regular council meeting on Monday, December 16, 2019, after 7:00 p.m. at the Council Chambers in City Hall. All citizens are invited to attend.

Kynda Browning,

Clerk/Treasurer 47/2


The City of Tekoa will hold their final budget hearing on Monday, December 2, 2019, after the hour of 7 p.m. during their regular council meeting. The meeting is held at the City of Tekoa Council Chambers. All citizens are invited to attend.

Kynda Browning,

Clerk/Treasurer 47/2

Public Hearing Notice

The Town of Rosalia will be holding a Public Hearing on November 26, 2019 regarding the 2020 Final Budget. Hearing will begin at 7:30 at Rosalia Council Chambers located at 420 S Whitman Ave., Rosalia, WA. Written comments can be submitted prior to the hearings at Rosalia City Hall, 110 W 5th St., PO box 277, Rosalia WA 99170. 46/2

Public Hearing Notice

The Town of Rosalia will be holding a Public Hearing on November 12, 2019 regarding the 2020 Preliminary Budget and Revenue. Hearings will start at 7:30pm at Rosalia Council Chambers located at 420 S Whitman Ave., Rosalia, WA. Written comments can be submitted prior to the hearings at Rosalia City Hall, 110 W 5th St., PO Box 277, Rosalia, WA 99170 46/2

Public Hearing Notice

The Town of Oakesdale will hold a Public Hearing for the 2020 Final Budget on November 18, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. before the regular council meeting at Oakesdale City Hall. Copies of the Preliminary Budget for 2020 are now available at City Hall. For more information please contact Mary DeGon, Clerk/Treasurer, at City Hall, 105 N First, PO Box 246, Oakesdale, WA 99158 (509) 285-4020, [email protected]



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing will be held by the city council in the Rosalia council chambers, 402 S Whitman Avenue, on 11/26/2019 at 7:30 pm. The purpose of the public hearing is to review final project performance on Town of Rosalia Water/Sewer Improvements Project funded by the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG). The council chambers is handicap accessible. Arrangements to reasonably accommodate special needs, including handicap accessibility or interpreter, will be made upon receiving twenty-four (24) hour advance notice. Contact City Hall at 509-523-5991, 110 W Fifth Street Rosalia, WA 99170. 46/2

ORDINANCE No. 396 2019-11

AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE FINAL BUDGET OF THE TOWN OF LACROSSE FOR THE YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 2020. WHEREAS, the Town Council has made estimates of the amount required to meet the expenses of the Town of LaCrosse for the ensuing year and the amount necessary to be raised by taxation; and WHEREAS, following the filing of the preliminary budget with the Clerk, notice has been published designating the dates October 10, 2019 and November 14, 2019 for a hearing for the purpose of fixing the final budget and copies of the preliminary budget have been made available to interested taxpayers at the Clerk’s office; and BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LACROSSE AS FOLLOWS:

Section 1: The budget appropriates for the Town of LaCrosse for the year commencing January 1, 2020, are hereby adopted as follows:


Current Expense 115,750

Cemetery 46,750

Street 74,100

Cemetery Reserve 50,000

Criminal Justice 7,700

Municipal Cap Impr 30,000

Water 107,450

Water Reserve 50,000

Sewer 98,550

Sewer Reserve 50,000

Water Deposit 4,400

Water Debt Redemption 45,500

Sewer Debt Redemption 17,500

TOTAL $697,700

Section 2: The council herby finds and affirms a 3% salary increase for the Clerk/Treasurer, Maintenance Supervisor, and Park/Cemetery Maintenance employees. Passed at the regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of LaCrosse, and approved by the Mayor on the 14th day of November, 2019.

Randy Camp, Mayor


Angela Broeckel,

Clerk-Treasurer 47/1

Mayor: Steve Salzman Councilmen: Debbie Wolfe, Brian Johnson, Amber Hilton, Dean Marty & Andrew Wolfe

Clerk/Treasurer: Laura Jones 509-657-3411 Fax: 509-657-3456

[email protected]



Determination of NonSignificance


Lead agency: Town of Endicott, Washington

Agency Contact: Laura Jones, Clerk, [email protected]

Description of proposal – The project includes generation of a General System Plan (GSP) for the Town of Endicott's sewer system. The project is a non-project action planning effort. Location of proposal - This project will collect and review information across the entire Town's service area as shown in Appendix A of the Report. Applicant Contact Info - Laura Jones, Clerk/Treasurer 509-657-3411. The Town of Endicott has determined that this proposal will not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An environmental impact statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c). The determination was made after review of a completed Environmental Checklist. This information is available at Town Hall or by written request. This DNS is issued under WAC 197-11-340(2) and the comment period will end on 11/28/2019. The lead agency will take no action on this proposal for 14 days from the date above. Steve Salzman, Mayor, 201 C Street, Endicott, WA 99125, 509-657-3411, [email protected]

Signature Stove Salzman

(electronic signature or name of signor is sufficient)

Date 11/13/19

Appeal process: Appeals to this DNS can be made to the Town of Endicott at 201 C Street, Endicott, WA 99125, or by email to [email protected]. Appeals should be based on specific factual objections. 47/1

20-01 Advertisement

(Notice to Bidders).

Sealed bids, subject to Federal Contract Conditions, will be received by the Port of Whitman County, until 2:00 p.m. on the 17th day of December 2019 for Flight Line Drive Realignment / Drainage Improvement Project. This project will include the following approximate base bid quantities: 5,700 CY of earthwork; installation of 11 catch basins, 775 LF of storm drain, 130 LF of pipe underdrain, 70 LF of trench drain 300 LF of concrete gutter, 575 LF of flush curb, 800 tons of HMA Bituminous Surface. Project construction is planned for August and September of 2019. The project shall be completed in 60 calendar days. Proposals shall be submitted to the Port of Whitman County, 302 N. Mill Street, Colfax, WA 99111. A mandatory pre-bid meeting will be held at the Port of Whitman County, 302 N. Mill Street, Colfax, WA 99111 at 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, December 5, 2019. The Port of Whitman County reserves the right to reject all bids, to waive irregularities and informalities in bids received, and to accept or reject any bid as best serves the interest of the Port of Whitman County. Award of contract may take up to 180 days from bid due date, therefore, the contractor is required to honor bid prices for this period of time. Each bid proposal shall be made out on the form included in the contract documents furnished by the Port of Whitman County and obtained from the Port of Whitman County website, and must be accompanied in a separate sealed envelope by either certified check, a bid bond executed by a corporation authorized to contract as a surety in the State of Washington, or a share draft drawn on a solvent Washington credit union, in an amount not less than 5% of the bid amount. The bid security shall be made payable to the Port of Whitman County, and must not contain any conditions either in the body or as an endorsement thereon. The bid security shall be forfeited to the Port of Whitman County as liquidated damages in the event the successful bidder fails or refuses to enter into a contract within ten (10) days after the award of the contract and the maintenance of said work, if required, pursuant to the provisions of this notice and other contract documents. The Port of Whitman County will accept a bid bond approved by the Washington Department of Transportation and/or the United States gover ment. The successful bidder will be required to furnish separate performance and payment bonds in amounts equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the contract price, bonds shall be issued by a responsible surety approved by the Port of Whitman County. The work under this contract for construction shall be started within seven (7) calendar days after the “Construction Notice to Proceed” is issued. Work under this contact shall be completed within 60 calendar days.

Date: 11/19/2019

Debbie A. Snell, Property & Development Manager 47/1





LEE ROY PHILPOT, and all parties, known or unknown, claiming any right, title, estate or interest in the real property described in the Complaint, either as assigns, heirs or devisees of the above-named parties or otherwise.


NO. 19-2-00213-38


THE STATE OF WASHINGTON to LEE ROY PHILPOT, and to all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien, or interest in the real estate described in the Complaint in this action, defendants: You, and each of you, are hereby summoned to appear within 60 days after the first publication of this Summons, to wit, within 60 days after November 21, 2019, and defend the above-entitled action in the above-entitled Court and answer the Complaint of the plaintiff and serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned attorney for the plaintiff, at the address stated below; and in case of your failure to do so, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demands of the Complaint in this action which has been filed with the Clerk of said Court. The object of this action is to quiet title in plaintiff to real estate in Whitman County, Washington, described as follows:

That portion of the North half of Section 12, Township 18 North, Range 41 E.W.M., Whitman County, Washington, described as follows: COMMENCING at a point where the western boundary of Endicott-St. John Rd., County Rd. #4230 intersects the northern boundary of Section 12; thence west along the northern boundary of said section a distance of 1297 feet; thence south parallel to the eastern boundary of said section a distance of 390 feet; thence south 49 degrees 26.5 minutes East a distance of 691.5 feet; thence east parallel to the northern boundary of said section to the western boundary of Endicott-St. John Rd., County Rd. #4230; Thence northerly following the western boundary of Endicott-St. John Rd., County Rd. #4230 to the point of beginning. EXCEPT right-of-way of the Oregon-Washington Railroad and Navigation Company. AND EXCEPT county roads.

against the claim of the defendants and any one of them.


By: Eric Hanson, WSBA #47381 Attorneys for Plaintiff


P.O. Box 337

Garfield, WA 99130

Tele .: (509) 635-1551 47/6


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