Serving Whitman County since 1877

Agencies offer surveys on impact of pandemic

RITZVILLE — Business groups around Eastern Washington are conducting surveys on the impact of the COVID-19 coronavirus, also known as Wuhan Flu, and the response by government agencies.

Adams County Economic Development in Ritzville, West Plains Chamber of Commerce in Airway Heights, the Southeast Washington Economic Development Association in Colfax are among them.

The goal of the surveys is to learn about business needs in the wake of Gov. Jay Inslee’s orders to shut down or limit most business activities statewide because of the “WuFlu” pandemic.

The surveys take an estimated 10 minutes to complete, officials said.

Here are links to the available surveys in this area:

Adams County —

Spokane Valley —

Cheney, Medical Lake and Airway Heights —

Whitman County


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