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Task force focuses on resiliency during COVID-19
COLFAX – In the fall of 2019, a countywide community-based task force was established to build resiliency within communities, educate and train community members to identify early-on common mental health issues, develop effective interventions and responses to suicidal crisis and provide support after a death by suicide.
“We see the wake of trauma that follows suicide,” said Annie Pillers, Whitman County coroner. “We decided to reach out broadly to help the community.”
She said when the task force was formed they realized the first people to notice something may be wrong are the neighbors, grocery clerks, the friend, etc.
“We want to educate the community on how to respond when they notice a change in someone they are close to. We need to learn how we can take care of our own,” Pillers said.
In a December 2019 Rural Resiliency On the Palouse newsletter, five steps of action were given for helping someone who is in emotional pain.
The five steps are:
Ask-“Are you thinking about killing yourself?”
Keep them safe-Reduce access to lethal items or places
Be there-Listen carefully and acknowledge their feelings
Help them connect-Save the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline number, 1-800-273-8255
Stay connected-Follow up and stay in touch after a crisis
“The task force is made up of a broad spectrum of leaders all over the county. We've invited representation from all city/town leaders in the county,” Pillers said. “We have a very broad representation from all levels apart of this task force.”
The task force is made up of community leaders, fire/EMS, law enforcement, primary and higher education, mental health professionals, healthcare professionals, etc.
Pillers said the purpose of this task force right now is to gain feedback from communities on what works and how the task force should move forward with additional education. She said they are taking the opportunity to learn what is needed to support these communities during this time.
The task-force is now preparing a public service announcement campaign for developing resiliency, building connections, focusing on hope and finding purpose as communities enter the next phase in this new world of COVID-19.
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