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Whitman County represents FFA State Officers

WHITMAN COUNTY – On Sunday, May 31, positions for the new 2020-2021 state officers were announced. Three of the new state officers are from Whitman County.

The new officers are Cole Baerlocher, Colfax, president; Gunnar Aune, Colfax, secretary and Lauren Stubbs, LaCrosse, vice president. Other officers include Alissa Whitaker, Moses Lake, treasurer; Haley Gilman, Eastmont, reporter and Tysen White, Finley, sentinel.

Abbie DeMeerleer, Washington FFA Association executive director, said they had 11 candidates, with three applying from Whitman County and only six positions to fill.

The names of the state officers were first announced on Friday, May 22, with positions announced just over a week later.

Candidates who applied for state officer had to take knowledge exams, interviews and oral presentations. After these phases of the application process, the candidates had to appear for an interview before the Washington FFA Association Board of Directors.

To be eligible for the position, the student must be a state FFA degree candidate who is a junior, senior or a member who has been out of school one year or less and has previously received the state FFA degree.

All three state officers from Whitman County are 2020 graduating seniors.

Some responsibilities required by state officers include motivating members across the state through leadership workshops and events, participating in business and industry tours and visits, plan and carry out activities for state convention, etc.

While the state officers all work together as a team, each individual position comes with specific duties. The FFA state officers from Whitman County will be performing these specific duties.


Baerlocher will preside over the State FFA Convention and over meetings of the Board of Washington State FFA Officers. Baerlocher shall appoint all committees and may serve as an ex officio member of these committees. Baerlocher will also serve on either the Washington FFA Board of Directors or the Washington FF Foundation Board of Directors and on the Governing Committee.

Vice President

Stubbs will assist the president in all things, have charge of committee work, preside at conventions and meetings if the president is absent and be prepared to take over the duties and responsibilities of the president if needed. Stubbs will also serve on either the Washington FFA Board of Directors or the Washington FF Foundation Board of Directors and any other board as needed.


Aune will prepare and read the minutes of the meetings and conventions, have available the list of business and agenda for each meeting, attend to official correspondence and other duties associated with the role of secretary. Aune will also serve on either the Washington FFA Board of Directors or the Washington FFA Foundation Board of Directors and any other board as needed.


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