Serving Whitman County since 1877

Strange But True: August 13, 2020

* A Florida waitress was promised a new Toyota after winning a sales contest at her restaurant, but was given a toy Yoda, a “Star Wars” doll, instead. She sued the company, and received more than enough to buy herself a new Toyota.

* Alchemist Hennig Brand is thought to have used upwards of 1,500 gallons of human urine in his quest to make gold. After he evaporated, boiled and distilled it multiple times, it started to glow in the dark and burst into flames. He had instead discovered the element phosphorus.

* Jim Carrey’s make-up routine for “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” was so intense and his costume was so uncomfortable that he underwent training from the CIA’s torture experts!

* Take a good look at Disney princesses and you’ll notice that they’re all essentially attired in typical princess garb of gown, tiara, etc. But here’s a small difference you might not have picked up on -- some wear gloves, and some don’t. What’s up with that? The ladies with gloves are commoners who married into royalty.


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