Serving Whitman County since 1877
* It’s illegal to kill Bigfoot in British Columbia. That is, if you ever actually run across him.
* In March 2019, the Roosevelt Hotel in New Orleans celebrated its 125th anniversary by offering a free seven-night stay in the presidential suite, along with complimentary private dinners and spa treatments worth $15,000. But this wasn’t your everyday giveaway -- the prize was only available to the person who returned the “most outrageous” item ever stolen from the hotel!
* The earliest toothpaste was made in ancient Egypt from crushed pepper, rock salt and dried flowers. No, it wasn’t particularly effective.
* Speaking of toothpaste, that blob on your toothbrush is called a nurdle.
* Enjoy the smell of fresh-cut grass after mowing your lawn? Researchers have determined the scent is a chemical compound given off by plants in distress. They emit a similar odor when attacked by caterpillars or other predatory insects.
* Grooves in the road on Route 66 play “America the Beautiful.”
* In 1979, Elvita Adams, jobless and facing eviction, attempted suicide by jumping off the 86th floor of the Empire State Building but survived with just a fractured pelvis when she was blown back to the 85th floor by a strong gust of wind.
* When the first Spanish explorers arrived at the Yucatan peninsula, they naturally asked what the area was called. The response, “Yucatan,” was a Yucatec Maya word meaning “I don’t understand what you’re saying.”
* Chimpanzees can identify each other from pictures of their butts.
* The average male becomes bored with a shopping trip in about 26 minutes. His female companion typically lasts two hours.
* Almost 163,000 pints of Guinness beer are wasted in facial hair each year.
Thought for the Day: “The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.” -- Dolly Parton
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