Serving Whitman County since 1877

County passes audit for 2019

COLFAX—The Washington State Auditor’s office released its 2019 draft audit report Monday on Whitman County, identifying no deficiencies in internal control over Financial Reporting or Federal Awards.

The latter category refers to complying with rules on federal grants.

“They didn’t have any findings. They didn’t have any problems,” said Kathleen Cooper, spokesperson for the Office of the State Auditor. “This is an accurate description of a clean report, a clean audit.”

“It’s always pleasant when the state auditor comes in and everything is accounted for,” said Whtiman County Commissoner Dean Kinzer.

“It shows we are being responsible and accountable with county money,” he said.

The draft report was dated Aug. 17. The exit conference was held Monday.

Whitman County now has three consecutive years of clean audits, going back to 2016, which followed 12 years without one.


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