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Top Dogs named for January

COLFAX - Colfax Junior-Senior High School announced its Top Dog award winners for January.

They are:

• Braeden Rogers, senior, character

• Tanner Senter, freshman, language

• Asa Olsen, sophomore, science

• Dyamin Vanek, junior, math

• Leilani Millar, junior, Career and Technical Education

• Kamela Larson, freshman, fine arts

• Ellie Nails, sophomore, history

• Helina Hahn, senior, P.E.

The Top Dog program began this year for students excelling in each department. They are recognized for effort, attitude, hard work and helping others, according to a representative.

Teachers in each department nominate students and vote for a winner. For the character award, any staff member may nominate a student and the whole staff votes.

The program is for students in grades 9-12.


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