Serving Whitman County since 1877

100 years ago

The Colfax Commoner - April 8, 1921

Series: Good Old Days | Story 13

A crowd, estimated at 1,000 people packed every corner of the community hall and over-flowed to the entrance and stairs Tuesday evening when Collins and Harlan, well-known Metropolitan entertainers, presented a “Miracle Concert.” Mr. Harlan sang the initial number on the program. In the midst of the number, his lips ceased to move but the song went on. Slowly it dawned on the audience that the artist was no longer singing, though his voice came forth to them as clear and sweet as before. Again, he sang and the audience only knew it was the living Mr. Harlan, because of the motion of his lips. His lips ceased, but this voice continued. The same magical effect was obtained when Mr. Collins sang and also in the duets which the artists sang together. For the tones which came from the New Edison matched those from the living artist so perfectly that it was impossible to detect any difference. The instrument produced not an echo or copy, but the real thing. Collins and Harlan’s voices untainted by any mechanical transformation; unspoiled by any metallic ring.

Not two voices but four sang to the spellbound audience. This phenomenon was accomplished by means of a graceful cabinet, which stood on the stage beside the artists and matched their performance, note for note and tone for tone.

A flutist also played several delightful accompaniments, giving the program a variety which, coupled with the zest of the Collins and Harlan numbers, made a program of unsurpassed entertainment.

Pictures at the Rose theatre on Thursday of next week will include the “Governor,” the ill-fated ship which sunk in Puget Sound last week with the loss of several lives.

Whitman County is in sixth place among the counties of the United States in the value of farm crops harvested in 1919, according to statistics given out by the federal census bureau this week. The leading counties, with the value of crops in 1919 as reported, are as follows:

1. Los Angeles, Calif. - $62,212,843

2. Arostock, Maine - $52,541,205

3. San Joaquin, Calif. - $39, 748, 032

4. Tulare, Calif. - $33,329,607

5. Lancaster, Pa. - $32,803,002

6. Whitman, Wash. - $30,824,407

7. McLean, Ill. - $26,887,618

8. San Bernardino, Calif. - $26,681,925


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