Serving Whitman County since 1877
I’m by no means a mathematician but when the public works director and county commissioner come out and say they gave out $150,000 in additional rock budget and spent $300,000 on crushing that adds up to $450,000. Where is the other $1 million going from the levy increase?! Mr. Storey you hired the three equipment operators the month after the levy passed in November 2019. You said publicly that you would hire three new operators with the levy money no contingency on gas tax revenue. You mentioned the gas tax loss for not filling those newly created positions once again but there’s still a missing $1 million from the levy increase the three personal cost $190,000 altogether. Which is small potatoes when you compare it to going $1 million over budget on Almota phase 4! Who took the blame for that or was it just one of those shrug-of-the-shoulders and saying, “Oh well” kind of things?! The public has the right to know where all the money is going not a CYA of where some of it’s going. You might want to sharpen the ol’ pencil because I’m smelling a crock of something and there ain’t nothing stuck to the bottom of my boots.
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