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Vaccination, mask mandates erode parental rights

It’s clear: Parents in Washington are sick of their children being used as pawns by radicals in power who wish to destroy family, children, and faith.

Widespread protests against mask mandates at school and vaccine mandates at work have erupted statewide, with many calling out Gov. Jay Inslee for his aggressive misuses and abuses of emergency powers.

This has largely been a fight for religious freedom and individual liberty, but it is creeping onto another deeply disturbing frontier — the fight for parental rights.

The seeds of a disturbing trend have been planted in the U.S. The mandatory vaccination — without parental consent — of children, as a condition of access to education and/or services, is another step in making parents and their values and decisions irrelevant in America.

This is not conspiracy theory — if a child can procure without parental permission a surgical abortion or surgically and chemically castrate oneself, what’s wrong with receiving a government vaccine?

In Washington D.C., the city council passed a law that allows minors to get vaccinated at school without parental consent – even in the case where a parent specifically requested exemption. At the end of last week, a letter went out to parents in the Culver City Unified School District in Los Angeles saying that children 12 years of age and older have until Nov. 19 to become fully vaccinated. No information on potential alternatives or exemptions were mentioned.

The attack on parental rights surged over the past year, and the vaccination issue is going to push it over the edge. This is not just about COVID-19 anymore. In fact, many in our state take COVID-19 very seriously as a public health threat, and are even vaccinated themselves. But they are adamantly opposed to mandates. Imagine the rightful uproar when secularists float proposals for mandatory vaccinations for our children.

Again, this is bigger than COVID-19. Do you really believe that children should be denied access to education unless they receive a mandated vaccine or drug? Forcing somebody to make a medical decision for themselves – never mind their children – under coercion is unethical.

What will come after mandatory COVID-19 vaccinations for your child? If radicals can make your child’s education contingent on their political whims, Pandora’s Box will truly be opened.

Parental rights and control will be promptly tossed out the window. Will all of their medical decisions be directed by the state? Will the state have complete control over the education of your child? Will parental consent be completely abolished, allowing minors to make seriously consequential decisions, potentially life-altering decisions, on their own? They are already calling assisted suicide a human right, so what is stopping them from efforts to convince your child that they are better off dead?

We have to prepare for this battle and what it will bring.

Gov. Inslee is the face of the radical left’s power grab to eliminate all parental rights and make all children wards of the state.

Our children must be protected if our nation is to survive.


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