Serving Whitman County since 1877
COLFAX — All of the propositions to increase property taxes and a county sales tax increase were approved by voters.
Whitman County had a high turnout of voters in November with nearly 43% casting ballots. The election was certified as final on Nov. 23. In the county there are 23,826 registered voters who cast 10,213 ballots.
Whitman County Prop. 1 passed with 67.27% of the votes in favor, which is 6,755 votes. Opposing voters numbered 3, 282. It raises sales tax by one-tenth of a percent to pay for improving and maintaining emergency communication equipment.
Hospital District 1 Prop. 1 was declined with the majority of the votes 53.77% (463) opposing and 46.23% (398) in favor. The proposal would have expanded the hospital taxing district to allow for a greater collection of tax revenue.
Voters in the Town of Colton approved Prop. 1 by 80.26% (122) of the votes and 19.74% (30) votes opposed. About $30,000 is raised from increased property taxes to pay for street repairs.
Prop. 1 in Endicott was approved by 80.73% (88) of the voters with 19.27% (21) opposing. The 20 cents per $1,000 assessed property value should generate $7,500 for the fire department and EMT services.
Prop. 2 was approved by 72.48% (79) of the voters with 27.52% (30) opposing. The property tax should generate $20,000 for street repairs.
Prop. 3 was approved by 65.14% (71) of the voters with 34.86% (38)
opposing. The property tax increase generates about $10,000 for park maintenance.
Park district Prop. 1 was approved by 67.65% (138) with 32.35% (66) opposed. The additional $65,000 in taxes is to pay for operations and improvements of the swimming pool.
Prop. 1 in Farmington was approved by 63.79% (37) of the voters with 36.21% (21) opposing. The increase in property taxes raises about $8,000 for street repairs and maintenance.
Prop. 2 was approved by 58.62% (34) of the voters with 41.38% (24) opposing. The increase in property tax generates $15,000 for the general fund.
Prop. 1 in Garfield was approved by 63.59% (117) of the votes with 36.41% (67) opposing. Voters approved paying about $65,000 more in property taxes to pay for road repairs and maintenance.
Park district Prop. 1 was approved by 64.93% (187) of the votes with 35.07% (101) opposed. The additional property tax creates $170,000 for the improvement, repair, maintenance, and operation of the swimming pool.
Parks Prop. 1 was approved by 98.42% (187) of the votes with 1.58% (3) opposing. The increased property tax generates about $65,000 for operations, improvements, and maintenance of the swimming pool.
Prop. 1 in Oakesdale was approved by 79.49% (124) of the votes with 20.51% (32) opposed. Approval raises property taxes to generate $14,000 for fire and medical emergency services.
Prop. 2 was approved by 75.16% (115) of the votes with 24.84% (38) opposing. A second property tax increase raises about $41,000 for street repairs.
Prop. 3 was approved by 70.32% (109) of the votes with 29.68% (46) opposing. The third property tax increase generates about $50,000 for chip sealing streets.
Park district Prop. 1 was approved by 67.93% (197) of the votes with 32.07% (93) opposed. The additional property tax creates $92,000 for the operation, maintenance, and improving recreational facilities.
Prop. 1 in Palouse was approved by 70.29% (310) of the votes with 29.71% (131) opposed. The property tax increase creates about $50,000 for street improvements and oiling.
Prop. 2 was approved by 70.52% (311) with 29.48% (130) opposed. The second property tax increase generates about $44,000 for swimming pool repairs and maintenance.
Prop. 1 in Rosalia was approved by 61.66% (119) of the votes with 38.34% (74) opposed. The new property tax increase raises about $95,000 for the city street fund.
Park district Prop. 1 was approved by 61.5% (222) with 38.5% (139) opposed. The new property tax generates about $85,000 for operations and maintenance of the pool.
Prop. 1 in St. John was approved by 65.18% (146) of the votes with 34.82% (78) opposed. The property tax increase is to generate about $50,000 to repair streets.
Parks Prop. 1 was approved by 71.2% (314) of the votes with 28.8% (127) opposed. The new taxes generate about $55,000 for operating the swimming pool.
Prop. 1 in Tekoa was approved by 65.77% (146) of the cotes with 34.23% (76) opposed. The property ax is raised to generate about $50,000 for street improvements, repairs, and replacing sidewalks.
Park district Prop. 1 was approved by 60.2% (177) with 39.8% (117) opposed. The additional property tax generates about $100,000 for operations and maintenance of the park district.
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