Serving Whitman County since 1877
Upcoming town levies on this year’s election ballot
COLFAX– The General election is approaching Tuesday, Nov 8. Several Levies and propositions are up to be voted for in towns across Whitman County. A levy is the imposition of or collection of tax for different purposes.
In Colton this year the town is levying additional taxes in 2023 of approximately .85 cents per $1000 of assessed value. This is to raise $30,000 for general operations including improvement to the town streets and water/sewer systems.
The town of Endicott is proposing 3 special tax levies for collection in 2023. The first of $7,500, which is an estimate. 20 cents, or less per $1,000 of assessed valuation for Fire and EMT protection. Funds will enable the town to pay for fire and ET services from the local fire district for the residents of Endicott.
Endicott is also levying a special tax of $22,000, an estimated .53 cents or less per $1,000 for street work and maintenance. Funds will be used to maintain the streets within the town limits. Including but not limited to salaries for public works department workers, the filling of potholes, and cracks in the streets. It will also go towards weed control, snow plowing, and sanding in the winter months.
The third levy proposed by the town of Endicott of $11,000 for park maintenance. Funds will be used to maintain the town parks and Third street divider, including but not limited to salaries for public works, mowing, weed control, and water the parks and dividers. As well as lawn mower and other equipment maintenance.
The Endicott Cemetery District No. 4 is also proposing a maintenance and operation levy to authorize the district to levy an excess property tax on all taxable property within the district at an estimated rate of $0.22 per $1,000, which will raise $20,000. This is a renewed existing levy to expire this year.
The City of Palouse has three levies proposed on the ballot. The first is an excess property tax levy for funding street improvements and street oiling. The property tax levy is in the amount of $50,000, an estimated $0.7000 per $1,000 for collection in 2023. Funds will support maintaining 173,000 feet of unimproved roads within city limits.
The second is an excess property tax levy to fund the operation and maintenance of the swimming pool. The levy will be upon all taxable property within the city in the amount of $47,000, an estimated .6300 per $1,000, to be collected in 2023. Funds will support the swimming pool operation and maintenance.
The City of Palouse is proposing a third excess property tax levy to fund the operation and maintenance of infrastructure, this levy will be upon all taxable property within the city in the amount of $55,000, an estimated .74 cents upon $1,000 for collection in 2023. Funds will support the operation and maintenance of city infrastructure.
The town of Rosalia has two proposed levies. The first is a city street levy, which is $3.64 per $1,000 to be collected in the year 2023, collecting a total of $95,000 for the city street fund. This fund will help with the cost of street lights, seal coating, shoulder work, capital improvements, equipment and regular maintenance of city streets which includes plowing and sanding.
The second levy is for the Rosalia Park and Recreation District number 5 at $85,000, an estimated .48 cents per $1,000 to be collected in the year 2023 to help with the costs of operation and maintenance. Funds from the levy will be used for lifeguard and groundskeepers wages, purchase of pool chemicals and supplies, and future improvements. The $85,000 will help maintain day to day operations of the pool and park, and update current equipment that is outdated or broken.
There are two levies on the ballot for St. John. The first is through the St. John Park and Recreation District number 3 at $55,000, an estimated .22 per $1,000 to be collected in 2023. Funds will be used for the operating fund, and swimming pool.
The second proposed levy is for street improvements and maintenance at $75,000, an estimated $2.03 per one $1,000 to be collected in 2023. Funds will go towards improving and replacing streets, sidewalks, and general maintenance within city limits. Recent improvements include chip sealing streets, replacing manhole covers, street sweeping, and replacing culverts for stormwater drainage.
Tekoa has two proposed levies on the ballot this year. The first is a street levy in the amount of $50,000, an estimated $1.70 per $1,000 for collection in 2023. Funds will be used for ongoing oiling of gravel streets, chip sealing roads, replacing asphalt or repairing and replacing sidewalks. Recent improvements include the paving of Line Street, chip sealing streets on the northwest side of town and repairing/replacing more than 300 feet of sidewalk.
The second levy proposed is a maintenance and operation levy for Tekoa Parks and Recreation District number 6 in the amount of $130,000, an estimated $1.63 per $1,000 to be collected in 2023. The current operating budget for the parks and the pool is $100,000. The board voted to increase the budget for 2023 to include updating the playground equipment in the parks, and replacing a failing pump and impeller at the pool. A capital expense fund will be added to the budget for replacing the tarp and resurfacing the pool.
Uniontown has one proposed levy on the budget for street maintenance and operations to increase the town’s regular property tax levy by $1.50 per $1,000 to be collected for two years beginning in 2023. Funds will be used for general maintenance of residential and arterial streets, including street oiling, snow removal, and street repair. The levy will expire after two years, and would require another vote by the public to be extended. The levy would raise approximately $75,000 over the term of the levy.
Pullman Regional Hospital District Number 1-A is proposing Resolution number 590 on the ballot this year to finance improvements to Pullman Regional Hospital. The proposition authorizes the district to construct an addition to impatient and outpatient medical facilities for patient and support services. As well as expand existing space for emergency, surgical, imaging, laboratory, and other specialty diagnostic and therapeutic services. This would carry out other capital improvements, issuing no more than $27,5000,000 of general obligation bonds maturing within 30 years, and levy annual excess property taxes to repay the bonds.
Whitman County Fire District number 8 has one proposed levy on the ballot for maintenance and operation. This proposition authorizes the district to levy an excess property tax on all taxable property within the District at an estimated rate of $0.38 per $1000, to raise $75,000 per year for four consecutive years, to be collected in 2023, 2024, 2025, and 2026.
Whitman County (Garfield) Cemetery District number 2 has one proposed levy on the ballot for operation and maintenance.This proposition is to finance maintenance repairs and increased operating costs: including increased wages, water billing, gas, grass and sprinkler maintenance and finance of new equipment for cemetery maintenance for the year 2023. The proposition would authorize the district to collect a property tax levy upon all taxable property within the district in the amount of $90,000 an estimated $1.02 per $1,000 to be collected in 2023.
Ballots are delivered to the public, and must be turned in to local ballot boxes Tuesday, Nov. 8.
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