Serving Whitman County since 1877

Good Ol' Days

125 Years Ago

From the Colfax Gazette, Friday November 5, 1897


Mrs. Hugh Rogers Knocked Down at Her Door,

The reign of terror in which the lawless element has held almost every portion of the county for weeks does not subside. The Garfield Enterprise gives the following account of a dastardy assault upon Mrs. Hugh M. Rogers, a lady once a resident of Colfax:

Mrs. H. M. Rogers had an encounter with a prowling villain in her door yard Wednesday night, shortly before 8 o'clock. She had walked out but a few steps from the door when she was viciously assaulted by a man who sprang at her from out of the darkness. She was struck twice on the head. She screamed and struggled toward the house, with the man clutching at her throat and arm with such force as to leave the imprint of his fingers on her flesh. Mr. Rogers heard her scream and ran and opened the door, when he met Mrs. Rogers speechless with fright. He assisted her in, supposing it was a sudden attack of illness, and it was some minutes before she could explain. Mr. Rogers ran out and made a hasty survey of the grounds, but of course the dastard had had plenty of time to make good his escape. Whatever may have been the purpose of the man, whether it was assault or robbery, it is not reassuring to know that we have such characters prowling about the town.

100 Years Ago

From the Colfax Commoner, Friday November 3, 1922

Whitman County Boys in Judging Contest

A team of Whitman County boys won the boys' and girls' club Live stock Show at Spokane on Saturday, october 28th. The team compose of Eugene and Anton Harms and John Hinrichs are members of a very enthusiastic pig club at Pullman under the leadership of C.B. Wilson, the agricultural instructor of the Pullman high school. All club members have received instructions in live stock judging thruout the year under the direction of the State College Exttension service, but the spledid showing of t hese boys is the result of the efficient work of Wilson of the high school. This is the second consecutive year that a Whitman County team from Pullman has won the honor. Eugene Harms, the oldest member of this team, has also won the $75.00 scholarship awarded by the O.-W. R. And N. for the highest standing in club work in Whitman County. Mr. Harms intends to use this scholarship next year to help pay his expenses through the first year of the Washington State College.

75 Years Ago

From the Colfax Gazette-Commoner, Friday November 7, 1947

Honor Roll

This bronze plaque was placed in the first floor to the 22 former students who lost their lives in World War II. It was made possible by Principal Howard Moses and by last year's student body council, the present officers of which are Howard Gylling, left, president, and Mary Repp, right secretary. Names on the plaques are: Glenn Baker, Ben Billingsley, Kenneth Bridgham, Leslie Endictot, Harold Fiares, Burdette Goodrich, Jim Hibler, Thurston Hull, Roy C. Kohler, James Larue, Glen E. Mathiesen, Charles W. Matzger, Forrest Meyer, Eugene Miller, Gerald Mohr, Donald E. Perkins, Harold Rock, Bob Roberts, Howard Scholz, Melvin H. Seeman, Earl Sever, D. Mildred Stake. "Lest We Forget These Students of Colfax Hi Who Died that We May Live."

50 Years Ago

From the Colfax Gazette, Thursday November 2, 1972

Garfield 20, Palouse 20

This rival game went down to the wire in a tie with a scoreless fourth quarter. A Falcon interception stopped one late Pirate drive at the three-yard line. Buc fumbles also hurt as the teams battled to break the tie.

Garfield took a 20-14 lead with a bonus play at the half. A penalty against the Falcons gave the Bucs one more more crack at scoring after rolling 55 yards on a screen play. Randy Rompel faked a field goal and passed to Dale Robinson for the tie breaker.

Palouse tied it again in the third quarter on an 11-yard charge by Jerry Kayser.

The tie format started in the first quarter. Rompel ran the kickoff back 91 yards for Garfield. Kayser passed to Peterson on a 64-yard Falcon score.

Kayser brok the 6-6 tie on a two-yard plunger and a pass to Edmundson for the two points.

Garfield tied it at 14-14 with passes from Rompel to Robinson and Rex Hanson. The Bucs then took the lead at the half; and Palouse came back to tie the game for the third-and last-time.

For Garfield, Robinson had 13 tackles and Griner had 11.

25 Years Ago

From the Whitman County Gazette, Thursday November 6, 1997

Rallying for higher wages

Whitman County employees picketed the courthouse in Colfax Monday in an effort to bring attention to their call for better pay. Approximately 40 people attended the rally throughout the day, several of whom were from the Teamsters Local 582 which is representing the courthouse bargaining unit through ongoing negotiations with the commissioners.

10 Years Ago

From the Whitman County Gazette, Thursday, October 25, 2012

Gar/pal beats Sunnyside Christian

Garfield/Palouse vikings whoop it up after defeating Sunnyside Christian Friday night at Palouse. The Vikings will be back in action again on their home field tonight against the LW Tigercats to decide the number-three playoff ticket.


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