Serving Whitman County since 1877


Pullman Regional Hospital

Sutton Don Stallcop, a boy, was born Nov. 29, 2022 to parents Adam and Erica Stallcop of Pomeroy. He weighed 7 pounds, and 7 ounces. Paternal Grandparents are Wynn and Debby Stallcop, and Gary and Patty Bowles of Pomeroy. Maternal Grandparents are Eric Harrison, and Mark and Hollie Winslow of Condon Oregon. Sutton joins sister Charlee Ann, 7, and brothers Harrison, 5, and Stetson 15 months at home.

Presley, a girl, was born Nov. 26, 2022 to parents Tate and Jessica Prince of Pullman. She weighed 6 pounds, and 14 ounces. Paternal Grandparents are Rob and Sara Prince of Raymond Alberta Canada. Materteral Grandparents are Corey and Kyndra Smith of Laie Hawaii.


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