Serving Whitman County since 1877

Good 'Ol Days

125 Years Ago

From the Colfax Gazette, Friday, December 24, 1897

Alleged Cattle Rustler Thrown in Jail After Two Years of Dodging

Behind the strong doors of the county prison Dr. H. P. Harrington disappeared Wednesday on a warrant two years old. The story connected with the wily doctor's alleged misdeeds shows the folly of the cattle rustler.

Prior to two years ago Dr. Harrington was located in the practice of medicine at Rosalia. The people of that healthy locality failed to furnish him with all the necessaries to which thought a gentleman of his talents and medical learning entitled and he is said to have supplemented his professional income by occasionally rounding up a few head of cattle while visiting patients in the country on dark nights.

Two years ago Ben Manchester believed him guilty of purloining twenty head from his bunch and had a warrant issued for the enterprising medical man. The doctor fled the country, but recently picking became poor on the outside and he returned to the Palouse. The result was his capture at Pullman Wednesday Sheriff Sims upon the unexpired warrant.

100 Years Ago

From the Colfax Commoner, Friday, December 22, 1922

Community Christmas Tree on Street

Program will be held on spring street on 30th at 4 O'Clock

Charles L. Chamberlin, who has charge of the work securing the Christmas tree, has completed his work and the tree was placed in position on Spring street Thursday afternoon. Dr. Layton, who has charge of the program, announced that the high school orchestra will be present to take part in the musical program. Members of the orchestra were present at the noon luncheon of the commercial club and they gave a delightful entertainment.

The Colfax band will also be present to take part in the program and the students of the Colfax schools have agreed to taken active part in the Christmas program. The community quartette and other numbers are to be added and Dr. Layton assured the members of the commercial club that the entertainment features of the program would be of an unusually high order.

The electric lights for the tree arrived at Colfax Wednesday. Mayor Glaser secured them through the assistance of the Washington Water Power Company.

75 Years Ago

From the Colfax Gazette-Commoner, Friday, December 19, 1947


Saturday Home Tilt With Pullman-Trim Colton, Lose To Spokane

Colfax opened the county conference high school basketball season in the western division at Colton last Friday evening by winning 41 to 27, the same margin of 14 by which the Bulldogs lost here Saturday night to North Central, Spokane, 33-47.

In their second county conflict the Bulldogs will take on the Lacrosse Tigers there this Friday night and will meet the Pullman Greyhounds here Saturday evening. Both games will be preceded by B squad tilts.

Greyhounds Coming

Lacrosse dropped it's first game to Pine City last week end. Pullman is playing in the Bi-State league and in interstate play will be in the A division. All other teams of this county are in Class B competition.

More than half of Colton's points was made by Mertis high point man of the game with 15. Hodge's 7 was the highest racked up by any Colfax player. The Bulldogs put on their best teamwork in the second half to widen the 15-10 margin in their favor at half time. Coach Pyne used 14 men in the contest and this was a factor in holding the score down.

50 Years Ago

From the Colfax Gazette, Thursday, December 21, 1972

'Write it down in Santa Claus language, elves'

Santa takes an order from Lynda Krouse for her Christmas presents at the library Saturday as his two elves (Bonnie Hensle at left and JoAnn Ray at right) take "Santa Claus shorthand."

25 Years Ago

From the Whitman County Gazette, Thursday, December 25, 1997

Ho ho ho, who wouldn't know?

Whitman Preschoolers coached by Jeanne Hayden and Nancy Jones sing and dance to the old favorite "Up on the housetop" at the Whitman County Library in Colfax. The little boys and girls, in preparation for Christmas, and mindful that Santa Claus knows when they've been bad or good were pretty good, for goodness sake.

10 Years Ago

From the Whitman County Gazette, Thursday, December 20, 2012

Another victim of the wind?

Someone was very creative along Morton Street in Colfax making a unique snowman. This big white guy was practicing a yoga technique letting all the karma travel to his head with his boots pointing skyward. If he has hasn't melted, more snow might be added to his bulk if weather forecasts hold true.


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