Serving Whitman County since 1877
COLFAX — Whitman County District Court reported the following criminal conviction sentences on Jan. 13
• Brian S. Anderson was sentenced to 90 days of jail with 89 days suspended, and a fine of $1,000 with $500 suspended. Anderson served a day in jail with credit for one day served. The defendant had a total of $1,296.51, due by Dec. 31, 2024. Defendant shall make minimum monthly payments of $50 a month starting on Feb. 1, 2023. Defendant may perform community service in lieu of $500 of fines to be credited at the rate of $15 an hour and must be approved in advance by the probation department. Community service to be completed by Aug. 31, 2023. The defendant must have no criminal violations of law or alcohol related infractions, and must have supervised probation for 24 months. Unsupervised probation for last 12 months if all essential requirements of the sentence have been completed. Defendant must obtain an expanded alcohol assessment from a Washington State approved agency and file a copy of the evaluation/assessment by Feb. 28, 2023. Defendant must attend DUI Victim Impact Panel within 3 months. Defendant shall perform 4 hours community service and may be credited for any time spent auditing Spokane County’s DUI Court. Defendant may petition for early termination of probation after 12 months and after successful completion of all terms of this judgement and sentence.
• John Westberg, pled guilty, or pred not guilty and the verdict of the jury was guilty, or the finding of the court was guilty of 4th degree assault. Therefore, the defendant is adjudged guilty and sentenced to 364 days of jail, suspended 363 days. Serve a total of 1 day in jail with credit for 1 days served. The defendant may be indigent. The defendant must pay a total fine of $25 per month starting Feb. 1, 2023. The defendant must have supervised probation for 24 months. Defendant has a $25 monthly probation fee unless the fee is reduced the probation department. Defendant must obtain a mental health evaluation from a state licensed mental health provider, and file a copy of the evaluation within 60 days. Defendant must not possess alcohol, or non prescribed drugs if use suspected. Defendant must attend community court if probation officer directs. Must comply with any recommended mental health treatment and counseling, including taking all medications as prescribed.
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