Serving Whitman County since 1877

Colfax Police Log

COLFAX – The Colfax Police Department responded to the following calls from Jan. 30 to Feb. 5

Jan. 30

10:08 a.m.- East Tyler. Officer responded to an abandoned vehicle.

2:56 p.m.- South Main. Officer responded toa burglary/intrusion alarm.

3:09 p.m.- South Main. Officer responded to a domestic dispute.

8:48 p.m.- South Main. officer responded to a civil call.

11:37 p.m.- South Meadow. CFPD and EMS responded to abnormal behavior.

Feb. 1

9:35 a.m.- South Main. CFPD and WCSO responded to a domestic dispute.

11:15 a.m.- South Hillcrest. Officer requested a case for fraud.

11:16 a.m.- North Mill. RP reported male driving without license, and was unable to locate.

2:41 p.m.- South Main. Officer was requested for civil standby.

3:33 p.m.- South Main. Officer responded to a suspicious person/circumstance.

Feb. 2

10:03 a.m.- South Meadow. RP reporting neighbor blocks driveway often.

1:49 p.m.- South Main. Officer responded to a civil call.

4:03 p.m.- South Main. Officer responded to a civil call.

5:23 p.m.- North Hauser. Officer responded to a warrant arrest.

Feb. 3

8:12 a.m.- South Main and Canyon. CFPD responded to a two vehicle non-injury accident.

10:18 a.m.- North Riverside Lane. CFPD and EMS responded to an unattended death.

1:45 p.m.- South Meadow. Officer responded to stray puppies being returned to owner.

Feb. 4

5:24 a.m.- South Meadow. CFPD and EMS responded to abnormal behavior.

1:14 p.m.- South Main. Officer responded to other law enforcement calls.

Feb. 5

12:46 a.m.- North Lake. Officer advised of an abandoned 911 call, there was no answer on the call back.


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