Serving Whitman County since 1877
25 Years Ago
From the Colfax Gazette, Friday, April 8, 1898
Colfax Route is the Popular Way to the Gold Fields.
The boom for the Colfax route to the Klondike has been taken up where the hullabaloo for the Psoaken cinder path was dropped. The Spokane cinder path was dropped. The Spokane route stood the test while winter lasted, but the Colfax trail is remembered when people start in the spring.
With a pack train of 25 cayuses and half a dozen saddle horses G. W. Cole, a white haired pionner from near Pendleton, left this city with two helpers Monday morning. The party have been here for three weeks outfitting with horses and pack paraphernalia.
It is the intention of Mr. Cole to push through to Dawson by way of Teslin lake providing promising ground is not found in prospecting the country between here and there. The old gentleman is said to be well supllied with minted gold, the proceeds of the sale of a farm near Pendleton.
100 Years Ago
From the Colfax Commoner, Friday, April 6, 1923
Athenaeum Club Holds Lively Meet
A suggested by Mrs. A. E. Larson president of the State Federation at a meeting of the Athenaeum club last Saturday, that Colfax people specialize on one flower for the coming season was well met with. Mrs. Larson said that during the tourist season each community may become well known by the flower that is grown in profusion in the flower gardens. The Calendula, or French marigold which is showy when in masses was suggested by the club as the flower which is well adapted to this climate and that could be grown in Colfax to profusion. Other clubs will cooperate with teh Colfax club to adopt a special flower.
The district federation will meet here early in Hay and Mrs. R. H. Lacey has been named as chairman of the committee to arrange for the meeting.
A special committee headed by Mrs. J. O. Matoon attended the commercial club meeting Wednesday and aided in a lively discussion of Colfax parks. The meeting Saturday was held at the home of Mrs. Harry M. Love and Shakespeare’s “Twelfth Night” was read. Mrs. Mrs. Fred McCroskey entertained the members by singing a selection from “Faust.”
75 Years Ago
From the Colfax Gazette-Commoner, Friday, April 9, 1948
Jailed as Looters of Coin Machines
Oscar S. Asman, 43, Seattle, and Kathleen J. Richards, 25, Sumner, Wash., were arrested Thursday evenig last week in the lobby of the Colfax hotel, one of the five places in town where they allegedly looted pinball machines. With them was a girl of 16 ytears who was to be returned to Seattle by juvenile officers.
In the couple’s possession was about $36 believed to have been taken from machines in Marler’s tavern, the City club, Bernieve Berry’s cafe, Top Notch confectionery, and the hotel. As the two women partly concealed Asman’s operations, he is believed to have drilled a hole in each machine to cause a short circuit and the release of coins.
Tipped off by Police Officer Ernest Bailey, the arrests were made by Deputy Sheriff Melvin Nickerson, Jim Hickman and Mark Powers. Asman and the Richards woman were charged with petty larceny and contributing to the delinquency of a minor.
50 Years Ago
From the Colfax Gazette, Thursday, April 5, 1973
City takes first steps to remove four buildings under new law
The city has started action to remove four buildings under the new dangerous structure ordinance passed last year. Xity Supervisor Art Anderson said letters were mailed out April 2 to the owners of the four buildings. The letters advised investigation is now underway to determine if the structures are unfit. Owners are asked to express their intentions within two weeks.
Report forms for the city building inspector and fire and police chiefs have also been prepared, Anderson said.
Structures involved are the brick building located across Upton from the agriculture building, Charles Hill, 201 Wall Street, last known owner; the house on 806 S. Main, Wayne Kinsinger of Steptoe, last known owner; the burned out house above Almota street, C. L. Conklin estate last known owner; and the vacated house on corner of Seventh and Cedar streets in the North Flat, R. T. Jones estate last known owner.
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