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Mohr travels

COLFAX - Jil and Tom Mohr are showcasing their latest photography of exotic birds at The Center, 102 South Main, through May.

Mohr explained that they went to Costa Rica to see the birds they photographed.

The Mohrs have been worldwide to see and catch snapshots of different types of birds in their natural habitats.

Mrs. Mohr explained that they saw 300 birds on their trip to Costa Rica.

"We started birding 20 years ago," she said, noting that they want to see colorful birds that you won't see anywhere else.

The Mohrs explained that out of the 300 birds, they saw 150 that they'd never seen before.

They noted everyone goes to Costa Rica to see the he birds that they took pictures of.

"It only breeds in that area and one other country," Mrs. Mohr said.

On their trips, the Mohrs hire private guides.

"We like private tours, and they arrange everything," she added, "It's great."

The Mohr's love of birding started in Mr. Mohr's parent's backyard, where they'd watch birds with his mother. Then, after RVing across the United States and seeing birds, they started hiring guides worldwide to see all the different kinds of birds.

They visited India, waking up at 4 in the morning and meeting a village shaman to see a bird that was the only species of its kind, they explained.

They explained that they've hiked up hills, mountains, and many unusual places to see the birds.

Out of every place they've been, the Mohrs agree that it all depends on the guide they get.

They recommend everyone travel the world, whether to see birds or explore.


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