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S.U.P.E.R. Colfax Drug Take Back weekend

COLFAX — Substance Use Prevention Education and Resources (SUPER) is hosting its Spring Drug Take Back Day event this Saturday, April 22, in front of the Colfax Library on the front patio at 10 a.m.

Community Coordinator of Colfax SUPER Sara Golden stated that the October event went well, bringing in a total of 22 people compared to the two who appeared at their first event in April.

“I’m hoping we’ll up it this time,” she said.

Golden is pleased with how the word is getting out about the SUPER Colfax Community Coalition and its efforts in Colfax.

The Colfax Police Department will be at the event Saturday. Along with the Whitman County Health Department with sharp item disposal containers to take home for those needles from epi-pens or insulin injectors, for example, she explained.

Golden stated they would also have a supply of locking medication storage boxes and locking bags for anyone needing to secure medication at home or while traveling.

There will be a short three-question survey along with the lock boxes.

“The whole point of the take-back day is to keep the community safe from medication misuse and promote secure prescription storage,” Golden said.

During its October event, the coalition collected 34 pounds of unneeded, expired, or unused medication from the Colfax community.

“That is up from 13 pounds last April,” Golden added.

Golden explained that they’d had excellent community support for the Drug Take Back, and she and many people are excited and interested in getting it going.

The event will have frisbees, candy, and coloring pages for kids that come by with family members when they drop off medications for safe disposal.

As a National Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) sponsored event, there will be other take-back days in the East Valley, Reardan, and several Spokane areas on Saturday.

The Washington State University Police Department in Pullman will also host an event.

To get more information on securing medications and how to talk to family members and loved ones about opioid use medications, visit


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