Election results to be posted August 1
COLFAX — The August Primary election is underway, with three candidates running for Pullman Mayor.
County Auditor Sandy Jamison stated that the ballots were sent out Friday, July 14, and were still receiving them.
“We may have a few right now,” Jamison told the Gazette on Tuesday, July 18, “If we have any, it will be very few,” she added.
Jamison noted that they’ll start getting busy tabulating the votes around Friday, July 21.
“Almost all these ballots went to Pullman,” she said, adding that the Pullman Mayoral race was the only actual Whitman County race.
Jamison stated that they process the votes as they receive them and will only count them once they get the results on Tuesday, August 1, on Election Day.
She added that they’ll post the results as they’re counted on August 1.
“There will be many ballots that have not been counted yet,” she said, adding that they’ll pick up the ones in Pullman.
“As per re-election, we will be posting results either the next day after the election and or the following day,” Jamison said.
Jamison confirmed that the results would come in between 8:15 p.m. and 8:20 p.m. on election night, but the time depends on where they are at tabulating.
The election will be verified on Monday, August 14, Jamison stated, adding that there will be meetings between the Canvas board which consists of the Prosecuting Attorney, Chair of Commissioners, and the Auditor.
The meetings will review any questionable ballots the staff has encountered, Jamison stated, adding that most of their time is spent viewing questionable signatures and verifying any votes that have been received too late.
“It usually lasts an hour and is open to the public,” Jamison said of the meeting, noting that after the canvas board has made their decision, they take the accepted ones and on them and will run them on August 14, added to the count.
Jamison stated that on August 15, the staff will return with the final numbers after they’ve counted the ballots.
“That’s when we certify,” Jamison said, adding that there is just one race for Pullman Mayor.
Jamison added that two candidates will proceed to the general election after the primary.
Ballots can be dropped off at all locations from July 12 through August 1. They can be brought to Colfax at the Whitman County Elections Office, open from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Votes can be turned in at the 24-hour drop-box location in the alley behind the Public Service Building.
In Pullman, ballots can be dropped off at the 24-hour drive-up box across from the Paradise Creek Brewery at 238 Southeast Paradise Street.
There is a 24-hour drop-box located in the Rosauers Parking Lot in Pullman, 1205 North Grand Avenue.
All drop-box locations will be locked at 8 p.m. on Tuesday, August 1, Election Day.
The Whitman County Elections Department will be open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Tuesday, August 1, to vote.
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