Serving Whitman County since 1877

Thank you Mark!

It’s about time someone in authority told the truth, that Governor Jay Inslee is a complete and poor liar. He should have taken the Bill Clinton “How to Lie Successfully” home study course. If you haven’t already, please read the Senators very informative column found in the August 1 st Gazette that tells it like it has been and still is. My own take on his gas price hike is that he wants everyone to buy an electric vehicle to save the world from global warming, which in itself is nonsense and a lie. On your trip to Norway, how much “pollution” did your jet put out? Also, where did you get your economics degree, the University of Moscow, Russia?

This guys is a typical old time tax and spend Liberal Democrat period. The Senator also mentions people heading for the border to get cheaper gas. Well tomorrow August 6th Rocco and I will head on our monthly trip to Moscow, Idaho, where we fill up nearly empty jeep and empty 5 gallon cans in the back. I haven’t bought gas in this state for over 3 years.

Conveniently, another Inslee lie and scam appears just to the right of Marks column where Elizabeth Hoyd discuss the WA Cares (no it doesn’t) payroll tax thievery of .58/100$ earned by Washington workers who are already suffering under the Biden economics failures. I was going t o suggest that each worker figure up his or her yearly cost here and times by your expected years of employment, but unless this stolen money is immediately and forever (unless this program in the future is dissolved) placed in an out of state financial institution with the stipulation that no employee of this state touch it, it will otherwise wind up in the Olympia bureaucratic money pool and be long gone when eventually needed by the now being robbed workers.

Denny McDonald



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