Serving Whitman County since 1877

Port signs 20-year lease with AGROW

COLFAX— The Port of Whitman County Commission authorized a 20-year lease with local company AGROW Solutions for a 10-acre lot at the Port of Central Ferry during its regular meeting Monday, Dec. 5.

AGROW Solutions provides crop consulting and custom fertilizer blends to farmers. It has reached capacity at its Pullman facility, necessitating the need for a larger location.

The company plans to make a $2.5 million investment and meet the required $400,000 match for developing a new fertilizer manufacturing and distribution facility on Lot F at Central Ferry, with seven jobs expected when construction is completed. The project is estimated to cost $2 million for engineering, fees and contingency, officials said. Construction is expected to be completed in early next summer.

AGROW Solutions owner Ben Moehrle said the company is excited to Central Ferry.

“This milestone brings us one step closer to serving more of the Palouse region’s farmers with fertilizer blends personalized to their unique field fertility and yield goals,” Moehrle said.

The atate Community Community Economic Revitalization Board recently awarded the Port of Whitman County a $1.6 million low-interest loan to expand rail and water infrastructure to Lot F, which will fund an extension of the property’s Port-owned rail lead and installation.

Port Commission President Karl Webber said the Port is grateful to the state board for providing funding to meet leasing needs to expand a local company.

“We’re happy to sign a lease with AGROW Solutions today and ensure a growing Whitman County business stays in Whitman County,” Webber said.


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