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County ordinance about bars amended

Amendment examines language used in ordinance

COLFAX — County Commissioners discussed amendments to wording concerning bars during a public hearing on amending County Zoning Ordinance 19.5 and 19.6 on Tuesday, Dec. 26.

Commissioner Michael Largent recessed from the regular business meeting to open the hearing on discussing amendments made by Commissioner Tom Handy to the county zoning ordinances concerning clarifying the word bar.

County Planner Alan Thomson said that they had visited the discussion a couple weeks ago when the commissioners had said they wanted to amend concerning bars and taverns.

“What I had intended to do is clarify the word ‘bar’, because there was no definition of it and it could be left up to interpretation,” Handy said, noting that he wanted to change the word “bar” to “nightclub” and “private club”.

Handy said that the two words are defined by the control board so that anyone who wants to open such an establishment would have to have one of those licenses. “It excludes licenses that you would have to get under restaurants,” Handy told the other board members.

Commissioners discussed further possible changes to wording concerning drive through food and non-alcoholic and beverage vendors.

Swannack asked the relevancy of the issue today, considering that there was once prohibition for alcohol sale in the corridor due to driving accidents.

Handy mentioned that some of it was really not relevant now, and he’d be happy with striking that whole piece of the code.

Largent suggested going with the language proposed, and that further discussion on some of the other issues could happen in the future due to a complete change of policy needed.

“Drinking and driving, you’re not supposed to do that, just so you know,” Largent said.

The hearing was closed by Largent, who then opened up the regular business meeting.

Swannack moved to approve amendments to County Zoning Ordinance 19.5 and 19.6 as presented by the planning commission, Handy seconded, and the motion was passed unanimously.


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