COLFAX- The Kiwanis Club held its Clothing Drive, which ended on Friday, Dec. 15.
Kiwanis member Sara Golden said that the drive had changed slightly due to the club's partnership with the Council on Aging and the food pantry.
"They have received a lot of shipments from places like Walmart," Golden said, noting that they can get shipments including hats, gloves and shirts.
Golden said that many of the local clothing needs were already met due to shipments. "We looked at other needs that we could care for," she said.
The club used several Kiwanis blue boxes around town to meet needs, including collecting non-perishable snacks and foods to support action packs for local kids.
"Catalyst Church both filled those," Golden said, adding that they helped take care of weekend meals. "The Food pantry has been another amazing resource for that," she said.
In addition, Golden said they gave the Colfax students Christmas boxes with enough food to get them through the Christmas break. "We had our art classes with Mr. B decorate them, so they looked like fun presents," she said, Kelly Barnett also known as Mr. B is the Colfax Junior/Senior High School Art teacher.
Golden shared some other service projects that the Kiwanis Club was able to complete during the 2023 holidays, including covering crosswalks during the October Main Street trick-or-treating.
Golden said they worked with the police and fire departments to cover three crosswalks so families could safely cross during the festivities.
On Tuesday, Dec. 2, Golden said that an order they had made of over $300 worth of playground balls and hula hoops for the elementary school arrived. "We are very fortunate to be able to provide that," she said.
Golden said that since many local clothing needs were met, they sought other ways to support the community's youth.
Golden added that donations came into their box from different businesses around the community. "We have a fantastic supportive community," she said.
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