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Tekoa school district proposes two levies for Whitman County special election

TEKOA — On this year’s special election ballot, the Tekoa School District No. 265 Board of Directors proposed two levies: a Replacement Educational Programs and Operation (EP&O) levy and a Replacement capital levy.

The Tekoa School District Board of Directors adopted Resolution No. 02-2024 concerning a Replacement Educational Programs and Operation levy to finance educational programs and operation expenses.

The proposition authorizes the school district to meet the educational needs of students by replacing an expiring levy to collect an assessed value of $2.50/ $1,000 assessed value, estimating a levy amount of $224,644 in 2025 and a levy amount of $231,3844 in 2026.

The proposed levy will not cause a tax increase, and amounts will raise an estimated $456,028 over the next two years.

The proposed levy will support programs including staffing above prototypical school funding model, child nutrition, support of pre-school and early-learning programs, extra-curricular activities, and special education.

According to the local voters’ pamphlet, for the owner of a $100,000 home, the annual tax payment would be $250.

Tekoa School District also has a Replacement Capital Levy on this year’s special election ballot for health, safety, and technology improvements.

The district requests capital levy assistance from voters every two to six years, and the 2024 levy request would assist through 2028.

The Capital Levy will have a tax increase from the previous levy at $0.87 to $2.50 to match the EP&O levy.

If passed, the levy will allow the district to raise an estimated $939,848 over the life of the levy, with a minimum of 45%, $422,931 over the next four-plus years to work on projects, including the high school building’s failing roof and safety concerns, fire and security in the elementary school building, and improvements to the grounds.

Other projects being considered include elementary and secondary windows, remodeling of elementary and high school instructional spaces, technology upgrades, school grounds and play fields, restrooms, kitchen improvements, and upgrades to the Ag shop.

Tekoa School District Board members and Tekoa School Superintendent could not be reached at the time of press.


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