Serving Whitman County since 1877

Gun Club weekly recap

Two clubs post scores from various divisions

COLTON — Whitman County gun club results for the ninth week of action are as follows:


16 yard scores: Bill Christian, 25. Faron Craig, 25. Brien DeAtley, 25. Terry Roberts, 25. Ron Stanley, 25. Brian Windsor, 25. Cole Zacha, 25.

Women 16 yard scores: Erin Bauer, 24. Rachel Kennedy, 23. Aspen Vandevender, 22.

Junior 16 yard scores: Wade Moser, 20. Chase Sanderson, 20.

Dusty gun club finished their season in the Spokesman division last week.


Trevor Johnson, 25. Eric Johnson, 21. Rich Villa, 21. Jim Pelissier, 21. Jessica Pelissier, 19. Pam Meserve, 18. Teri Garrett, 15. Savanna Gilchrist, 15. Peyton Pelissier, 17. Marty Meserve, 15. James Garrett, 15.

Handicap: Trevor Johnson, 22. James Gilchrist, 20.

Doubles: Eric Johnson, 21. Trevor Johnson, 19. Jessica Pelissier, 19.

20 total shooters, 36 degrees with wind.


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