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There is a vast misunderstanding regarding the purpose and application of “separation of church and state.”
The moment a politician mentions their Christian beliefs, such as Speaker of the House Mike Johnson, outrage ensues. Johnson was called a “religious fanatic” and “Christian nationalist” and deemed unfit for office by the radical Left, all due to his Christianity and a violation of “separation of church and state.”
The Left was baffled why he would “bring Jesus to work with him” and not leave his Christianity at the door. This is nothing more than the uninformed opinion of an areligious, amoral society.
Our own Declaration of Independence states, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed, by their Creator, with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”
Our founding documents point to the fact our nation, was founded on Christian principles, which cannot be ignored.
What all of these critics fail to comprehend is that the separation of church and state was never about keeping the church out of politics; it was about protecting the church from government intrusion.
Nowhere in our founding documents or laws does it suggest public officials must divorce their foundational religious beliefs to hold office or inform their decisions, nor does it say judges must ignore all Biblical principles found in history, court precedence, or our founding documents when crafting majority, dissenting or concurring opinions. This would not only be intellectually dishonest, but it would marginalize the majority of the nation.
Every person – religious or not – has a worldview centered on something that informs their decision. For some, its atheism, or agnosticism, or Judaism, or any of the other religions in the world. So, why should Christians be stripped of the very element which they were elected for?
The double standards of the Left are at an all-time high: anyone whose beliefs they don’t like must renounce those beliefs at the door, but everyone else is free to walk around with their anti-Christian worldview and shout it from rooftops.
— The Family Policy Institute of Washington can be emailed at [email protected].
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