Serving Whitman County since 1877

Local teams thrive in second 1B league meet

All four 1B schools with track teams competed

ST. JOHN - The St. John-Endicott/LaCrosse Eagles track and field team had a strong showing in the district 9 1B second league meet of the season.

The meet was held on Tuesday, April 9, in Pomeroy.

A total of 11 teams competed, with the Eagles, Tekoa-Rosalia Timberwolves, Garfield-Palouse Vikings, and Oakesdale Nighthawks sending athletes.

Results for the Eagles are as follows:


100-meter- Brody Fleming, 2nd, 11.79; and Danny Hunt, 32nd, 15.08.

200-meter-Fleming, 1st, 23.74, Will Tollett, 6th, 25.54; and Tyler Hough, 11th, 26.52.

400-meter- Tollett, 2nd, 58.85.

800-meter- Colton Clements, 6...


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