Serving Whitman County since 1877

Whitman County remembers the fallen

COLFAX - Whitman County observed Memorial Day, remembering the men and women who sacrificed their lives for freedom on Monday, May 27.

Colfax, Washtuchna and Garfield all held Memorial Day ceremonies, while several other towns remembered the fallen with flags placed on the graves of service members.

Colfax and Washtucna both held their events at 10 a.m., with Colfax cemetery displaying approximately 315 full size American flags, as well as small flags adorning all the graves of the veterans.

The Garfield American Legion Post 24 gathered at the Garfield Cemetery at 11 a.m. on Monday, May 27.

Greg Holbrook, Rodney Hubner, Hollis Jamison, Jim Perkins, and Neil Leon dressed in their blues lined up with their guns for the ceremony as over 40 stood by to solemnly remember those that gave all for freedom.

Decked out with new flags, and smaller flags marking the graves of those who were fallen the ceremony was led with a speech about the history of Memorial Day and the sacrifice the the fallen soldiers had given.

A wreath was laid by Connie Kriebel and flags were held by Kirk and Quest Holbrook next to the monument stating "Lest we forget."

Right after the ceremony, Garfield locals Justin and Jessie Honcoup arrived at the cemetery after rucking one and a half miles from their house.

"Jessie saw about the Ruck, and we thought we'd just start heading out," said Justin Honcoup, explaining that the Ruck for the Fallen group had called for pictures of people Rucking on Memorial Day.

"I'm looking for more veterans. It would be nice to have the whole lineup," Holbrook said, adding that the ceremony was great with who they had but it usually takes twelve people.

"I thought it was real good," Hubner said, "Honoring the fallen military."

Whitman County local Georgie Leinweber, who was amongst the crowd, said that more people should bring their grandkids to events like the Memorial Day service.

"It is beautiful," said local Sue Love, "The whole landscape of flowers, flags and crosses."

Garfield resident Greg Partch also agreed, "The grounds look wonderful. They're getting a lot of volunteer help," he said, adding that the cemetery holds many fallen Veterans not even from Garfield.

New Cemetery Board member Jerry Love said that they had mowed the day before and that they are thankful for all the volunteer help that they've gotten in maintaining the ceremony.

He added that the Real Life Church had sent 15 volunteers to the cemetery to help get it ready for the ceremony, and the turnout was great.

"There are veterans here from 1812," Jerry said, adding that there are approximately 268 veterans buried in the small town of Garfield.


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