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Residents hold meeting on wind turbines

Non-profit formed to combat proposed wind turbines

PULLMAN - County residents opposed to a planned wind turbine development have created the not-for-profit "Save the Palouse" to fight on their behalf.

Rick McNanny has been named executive director of the not-for-profit group, which has been in operation for two months.

"We are not anti-wind turbine," McNanny said, noting members just think Kamiak Butte is not an appropriate place to erect them.

The Save the Palouse website says the group has three initiatives:

• Advocate for the preservation of the Palouse's natural landmarks

• Educate the public

• Cooperate with anyone who wants to oppose wind turbines on the Palouse

The organization recently hosted a meeting for at Schweitzer Event Center, where presenters offered reasons to oppose wind turbines. Speakers included Lincoln County residents David Boleneus and Lani Madsen; Whitman County residents Mike Dymkoski and Tom Thompson, Diana Gardner and Bill Myers; and 9th Legislative District Rep. Mary Dye of Pomeroy.

"Our group consists of 15 core members that meet almost every week," McNanny said, adding that they meet every Thursday. "Our goal is to work in unison with local government to establish guidelines for responsible placement of wind turbines or any other structure."

The group's Facebook page has 1.8 thousand social media followers, as of Tuesday, June 25.

McNanny said that the online petition has almost 2000 signatures and over 300 hard copy signatures.

"We do have a lot of support behind us," he said.


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