Serving Whitman County since 1877


PRC Meeting: July 25, 2024


PRC Meeting: July 25, 2024

The Project Review Committee (PRC) will be conducting a virtual meeting for a Business Meeting, and three (3) Project applications and two (2) Alternative Subcontractor Selection Procurement (ASSP) applications beginning at 8:00 am on July 25th via the Zoom platform. Please see the PRC July 27, 2024 meeting event page for the meeting schedule and Zoom meeting information.

Agenda (in alpha order)

• Business Meeting

• Bremerton School Dist. Armin Jahr & View Ridge Elem. Schools Replacement DB Project

• Kitsap County CKTP Solids & Liquid Hauled Waste Upgrades Project Returning for ASSP Approval

• Lake Chelan Health EMS and Administration Building GC/CM Project

• NE Public Development Authority 3011 Wellesley Mixed Use Development DB Project

• Pullman Regional Hospital Patient Care Exp. Project Returning for ASSP Approval

The public may present comments regarding the applications or business meeting topics anytime via email, or at the meeting beginning at 8:00 am. Contact Talia Baker at (360) 790-8322 or for questions.

For agenda with project times, Zoom information and questions please visit:

Published July 4, 2024


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