Serving Whitman County since 1877

Death, Taxes and Win

Wind turbines are not real property. They are taxed like personal property. They will depreciate with the passage of time and the taxes will decrease to a residual basis that will be as low as 15 percent of the original value. The initial spike in tax revenue will throw our schools out of State programs and leave them in worse shape than they started out. Who’s going to be left holding the bag? You guessed it, YOU ARE! I’ll bet you didn’t know that. Harvest Hills know. The County Commissioners know. Ask one.

Those new jobs? Those won’t be for you. Those jobs will be for the out of state contractors. All that power. That’s not for you either. That power will be going to the West side and on down the coast. But guess what, your bill will go up because wind is more expensive than water and the power companies aren’t going to absorb that. Do you think Big Wind will stop this project? There’s a lot of Green Money that says they won’t.

The only people around here who will benefit from all this will be a few land owners who number than than what you can count on your fingers and toes. Half of them don’t even live here. Some of them have already built homes far away from what their neighbors will deal with. Property values in the flickering shadows of these huge machines will drop. Will they lose any sleep as the whoosh whoosh whoosh of huge rotors relentlessly pulse through the night generating ultrasonic pressure that will affect their neighbors health and slumber? Most of them really don’t need the visually polluting, environmentally unjust, dirty green money. “It’s just good business,” they say.

Bill Myers,



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