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Pullman Boys and Girls Club granted $200,000

ARPA funds granted by County Commissioners

COLFAX— Commissioners moved and approved signing an agreement to the Boys and Girls Club of Lewis and Clark Valley for $200,000 in American Rescue Plan Act funds for Pullman Childcare Services.

During the regular County Commissioners meeting Monday, Sept. 16, Commissioners signed an agreement with Lewis and Clark Valley for funds towards the Pullman Boys and Girls Club.

In attendance was Executive Director of Boys and Girls Club Lewis and Clark Valley Jon Evans.

“I pretty much want to thank you for this opportunity,” Evans said to the commissioners.

Evans told commissioners it has been a whirlwind of opportunity since when they got the first call approximately July 11, notifying them that YMCA of the Palouse announced it was closing its doors.

The Boys and Girls Clubs of the Lewis Clark Valley expanded their services to Pullman for after school programs.

“In a very short time we were able to work with some of our donors and community leaders to make a plan,” Evans said, noting they were open as of Aug. 28.

The program was able to retain many of the staff previously employed at the YMCA of the Palouse, Evans reported to Commissioners.

Evans reported that initially the assessment was there were 65 kids that were in need.

“We are at 80 enrolled,” said Evans, noting they continue to get phone calls and questions on initial registrations and are having conversations in regards to what the program will look like moving forward and how they can grow it.

“We definitely want to thank the greater Pullman community. It was amazing watching that group coalesce and reach and support this,” reported Evans.

“This is an absolutely valuable program you guys have endeavored to continue in the Pullman area,” said Commissioner Michael Largent, noting that it is important to help families with their kids.

Evans said that Pullman Superintendent Bob Maxwell has stepped in to help support transportation and anything else they will need.

“It’s amazing what you guys have been able to accomplish already,” Whitman County Chief Financial Officer Jessica Jensema said.

**This story has been edited to correct the amount of ARPA funds from $20,000 to $200,000**


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