Serving Whitman County since 1877

District Court Filings

COLFAX — Whitman County District Court reported the following criminal conviction sentences from Sept. 13:

Sept. 13

Kevin Clemons was found guilty of third degree driving with license suspended. Therefore, the defendant is sentenced to 90 days of jail, 89 suspended. The defendant must serve one day in jail with credit for one day served and must not drive a motor vehicle without a valid license. The defendant has unsupervised probation for 12 months, probation to terminate upon issuance of a drivers license. The defendant may schedule a hearing to address fines in collections and shall have full access of probation to assist with any and all resources needed. By and through the office of the Whitman County Prosecuting Attorney, the court moves to dismiss the charges of resisting arrest pursuant to plea agreement.

Daniel T. Curtis, was found guilty of driving under the influence with a BAC of .14. Therefore the defendant is sentenced to 364 days of jail, 363 suspended and a fine of $2,000, $1,000 suspended. The defendant must serve one day in jail, with credit for 0 days served and unsuspended jail of 1 day may be done out of county at defendant’s expense and arranged by the probation department, to be completed within 60 days. The defendant has fines totaling $1,724.04 to be paid by Aug. 31, 2026. The defendant may perform community service in lieu of $1,600 of fines to be credited at the rate of $17 an hour and approved in advance by the probation department and completed by Sept. 30, 2025. The defendant shall not drive a motor vehicle without a valid license, proof of liability insurance or other financial responsibility, or with an alcohol concentration of .08 or more or a THC concentration of 5.00 nanograms per milliliter of whole blood or higher within two hours after driving. The defendant must have a functioning ignition interlock device and no criminal violations of law or alcohol related infractions. The defendant has supervised probation for 24 months, unsupervised for last 12 months if all essential requirements of the sentence have been completed. The defendant must obtain an expanded alcohol assessment from a Washington State approved agency and file a copy of the evaluation/assessment by Oct. 18, 2024 and begin any recommended/appropriate substance use disorder treatment or education within 45 days with filed proof of timely enrollment and completion. The defendant must attend a driving under the influence impact panel within 3 months, not possess any non-prescribed controlled substances or illegal drugs, and submit to random alcohol and drug testing. Defendant’s privilege to drive is suspended for 90 days and the is ordered to not drive with a .02 BAC or higher or any active THC in their system for the full length of probation. Defendant may petition for early termination of probation after 12 months and after successful completion of all terms of this judgement and sentence.

Robert Germano, was found guilty of knowingly possessing an illegal controlled substance and is therefore sentenced to 12 months, 180 days of jail, 179 suspended. Defendant must serve 1 day in jail with credit for 1 day served. Defendant must have no criminal violations of law and supervised probation for 12 months. Defendant shall not use or possess any illegal controlled substances and shall submit to random UA testing, complete an SUD evaluation and recommended treatment, if defendant completes a qualifying SUD evaluation and has 6 months of substantial compliance the court must vacate the conviction. By and through the Office of the Whitman County Prosecuting Attorney, the court moves to dismiss the charges of third degree driving while license suspended and use of drug paraphernalia, pursuant to plea agreement.


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