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Oakesdale freshman makes FFA Nationals

Named one of eight in his category

OAKESDALE — An Oakesdale FFA high school freshman has been named a national finalist in the FFA Agriscience Fair.

Kellan Demeerler was named the 2024 national finalist this year in the Power, Structure and Technical Systems category in the FFA Agriscience competition.

DeMeerler will take part in the annual National FFA Convention and Expo taking place Wednesday, Oct. 23 through Saturday, Oct. 26, at the Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis.

On Friday, Sept. 20, DeMeerler had his National interview via Zoom, going before a panel of industry experts in his category who asked him questions about his project for 15 minutes.

The interview score, combined with the score of his written project and logbook, determine the top three winners, which will be announced during Session 6 of the National FFA Convention.

To qualify for nationals FFA members working as individuals or in teams grades 7-12 are required to conduct a scientific research project pertaining to the agriculture industry and win their state’s FFA Agriscience fair.

DeMeerler’s project, “Smooth Operator,” tested the durability and efficiency of common 15-W-40 diesel motor oils.

DeMeerler designed a simple and replicable test using square-stock steel and a drill-press with the help of his grandfather.

During the test, the oil was timed until seizing and evaluated for color, shavings and temperature.

As part of the project, a literature review was required. DeMeerler and his FFA Advisors, Nathan and Jessica Moore, discovered there was hardly any scientific information readily available comparing the effectiveness of various oils.

DeMeerler said his results were consistent with every testing cycle and several industries curious about the test reached out when word got out about his project.

The project was then to test and compare marine engine oils and ATV motor oils.

A panel of judges review first-place winners from each state, selecting a maximum of 10 in each category and division to move on to the national competition.

Past national winner projects in the category of Power, Structural and Technical Systems required a high level of applied physics, engineering and math.

DeMeerler was selected as one of eight national finalists in the category and as an eighth grader won the Washington FFA state title as an individual competitor earlier this spring.


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